Examples of Residential districts in a sentence
Minimum landscaping for conditional uses in Residential districts and for developments in Multiple Use, Commercial, and Industrial Districts.
The total area of accessory structures on a single lot in Residential districts under one-half acre in size shall not exceed 860 square feet in area.
All mechanical equipment, outdoor storage and manufacturing, and service and delivery areas shall be screened from view from all public streets and adjacent Residential districts.
All mechanical equipment, outdoor storage and manufacturing areas shall be screened from view from all public streets and adjacent Residential districts.
All mechanical equipment, outdoor storage and manufacturing, and service and delivery areas, shall be screened from view from all public streets and adjacent Residential districts.
Maximum total allowed sign area in the Urban Residential districts is calculated on a use- or structure-based, per frontage basis.
Multifamily projects are also permitted by right in the R-1 and R-1D Low Density Residential districts.
Maximum of twelve square feet in Residential districts, naming the contractors or other major parties involved, engaged in the construction on the property where the sign is located, but only during such period in which actual construction is taking place.
The City permits second units within the Rural Residential, Low Density Residential, and Sonoma Residential districts by right, and within the Medium and High Density districts with a use permit.
Maximum total allowed sign area in the Rural Residential districts is calculated on a use- or structure-based, per frontage basis.