Residential occupancy means occupancy of a structure for residential purposes for periods greater than 30 consecutive calendar days.
Residential occupancy. – means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof by persons for whom sleeping accommodations is provided but who are not harboured or detained to receive medical care or treatment or are not involuntarily detained.
Residential occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for sleeping accommodation but shall not include buildings where people are harboured or detained and does not include hunting camps, cottages or other similar seasonal residences;
Examples of Residential occupancy in a sentence
Residential occupancy of a building or any portion of a building by a group other than a household.
Residential occupancy of accessory buildings and structures is prohibited.SEC.
Residential occupancy of accessory buildings that are not constructed and approved for residential use is prohibited.
Residential occupancy of accessory buildings that are not constructed and approved forresidential use is prohibited.
R-2 Residential occupancy offices, game rooms, physical fitness areas, storage rooms, maintenance shops, boiler rooms, laundry facilities, mail rooms, club houses, commons, and public assembly areas shall be classified as ordinary hazards.
More Definitions of Residential occupancy
Residential occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof by persons for whom sleeping accommodation is provided but who are not harboured for the purpose of receiving care or treatment and are not involuntarily detained;
Residential occupancy in respect of premises, means a dwelling unit located within a building, and includes a room for rent in a hotel or motel;
Residential occupancy means the occupancy of dwelling units in any building
Residential occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof of a building or structure by persons for whom sleeping accommodations are provided and who are not harbored or detained to receive medical, charitable, or other care or treatment or are not involuntarily detained, including among others (but not including single-family private houses):
Residential occupancy means a residential occupancy in a building comprising more than three dwelling units and where each dwelling unit does not have at least two access/ egress doors that open to the exterior of the building;
Residential occupancy means occupancy of a structure for residential purposes for
Residential occupancy means occupancy for providing sleeping accommodation for persons, but does not include institutional occupancy. (“habitation”) R.S.O. 1990, c. P.28, s. 12 (8).