Residential rehabilitation definition
Examples of Residential rehabilitation in a sentence
Residential rehabilitation qualifies if the property is considered substandard per local definition.
Residential rehabilitation assistance will be available to income-qualified households citywide.
Residential rehabilitation must correct substandard conditions before less critical deficiencies are completed.
Residential Rehabilitation Residential rehabilitation consists of a range of treatment delivery models or programmes to address drug and alcohol misuse, including abstinence drug interventions within the context of residential rehabilitation.
Residential rehabilitation programmes normally combine a mixture of group work, psychosocial interventions and practical and vocational activities.
Residential rehabilitation is a specialised service offering accommodation, support and rehabilitation to people with complex drug and/or alcohol and other health needs.
Residential rehabilitation is recognised as an important part of an integrated pathway across the UK and all local partnerships are expected to provide access to such services as appropriate.
Residential rehabilitation providers may also manage (‘second stage’), or have access to, substance free supported accommodation where a client moves after completing an episode of care in a residential rehabilitation unit and where they continue to have a care plan, receive key work and a range of substance and non substance related support.
For this paper the delivery of ‘specialist drug treatment’ will be described across four main types/modalities these are: • Community prescribing• Care planned counselling including structured day programmes• Inpatient programmes• Residential rehabilitation Specialist Drug Treatment is provided and delivered by a range of agencies which may include non- government organisations (known as the voluntary/independent sector), and statutory service providers, such as health and social services.
Residential rehabilitation programmes aim to support individuals to attain an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle and be re-integrated into society.