Examples of Respondent Member in a sentence
It held that there was no implicit or explicit termination of the intra-EU BIT when the Czech Republic acceded to the EU.20The years that followed saw a string of cases (see Annex 2) initiated under intra-EU BITs or under the ECT in an intra-EU context, in which the Respondent Member State and the Commission – as amicus or non-disputing party – raised objections based on EU law against the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunals.
A.6 Respondent Member NumberEach member of the household is assigned a number by the enumerator according to the household roster.
For a witness, other than the Respondent Member, and whose testimony is of a confidential, personal or sexual nature, the Discipline Committee make an order that no person publish the identity of the witness or any information that could disclose the identity of the witness, or order that any such witness be identified only by pseudonym, provided that the true name, address and occupation of the witness is given to the parties present or represented at the hearing.
In determining the penalty to be imposed on a Respondent Member after making a determination on the facts, the Discipline Committee may consider a previous relevant disciplinary decision regarding the Member or an undertaking or consent to a reprimand given by the Member under this Part.
A.6 Respondent Member NumberRespondent is the person among the usual household members providing information to the enumerator, this may be the household head or any responsible member who is knowledgeable about the household.
Looking at pre-Achmea arbitral cases in which the Respondent Member States unsuccessfully relied on EU law to argue against the tribunals’ jurisdiction, we expect that the arbitral tribunals will dismiss the Achmea argument based on the ground that they derive their jurisdiction from international investment agreements, and not from EU law.
The name of the Respondent, Member or Participant who participated in the completion of the project(s) and its role, responsibilities and participation percentage must be indicated.
In the event that a Complainant seeks to appeal the decision of the Complaint Board as to responsibility and/or sanction, the rights of appeal or grievance of the Respondent Member shall be held in abeyance pending the conclusion of the Complainant’s appeal.
The Discipline Committee may withhold the public disclosure its written decision under section 29(a)(iv) or the notification of its decision under section 132, if the Respondent Member informs the committee that he or she intends to or has initiated an appeal under Division 11.5.
When a Respondent Member is served with a citation and notice of hearing that has been issued under bylaw 6.23, that member should be sent a copy of these PCR Discipline Hearing Policies and Procedures to help them understand how the AVLIC will then adjudicate the allegations set out in that citation during a hearing.