Restrictive layer means a stratum impeding the vertical movement of water, air, and growth of plant roots, such as hardpan, claypan, fragipan, caliche, some compacted soils, bedrock and unstructured clay soils.
Restrictive layer means horizon or condition in the soil profile or underlying strata that restricts movement of fluids. A restrictive layer may constitute a limiting soil/site condition.
Restrictive layer means a soil horizon that is assigned to a soil category 10 as defined in Rule 15.11.
Examples of Restrictive layer in a sentence
These soils are prevalent in wetland areas such as bogs and marshes and may be frequently encountered in certain regions of the country (e.g., Maine, northern Minnesota, coastal regions) Restrictive layer Any soil condition which increases soil density to the extent that it may limit root growth.
Registered Professional Engineer - an engineer licensed in the State of Colorado accordance with Section 12-25-111, C.R.S. Restrictive layer: Horizon or condition in the soil profile or underlying strata that restricts movement of fluids; a restrictive layer may constitute a limiting soil/site condition; Sand Filter - a system that utilizes a layer of sand as filter and treatment media,Higher Level Treatment sand filtersa.
More Definitions of Restrictive layer
Restrictive layer means a stratum impeding the vertical movement of water, air, and growth of plant roots. Some examples include: Hardpan, claypan, fragipan, caliche, some compacted soils, bedrock, or unstructured clay soils.
Restrictive layer means a nearly continuous layer that has one or more physical or chemical properties that significantly impede the movement of water and air through the soil or that restrict roots or otherwise provide unfavorable root conditions. Examples are bedrock, cemented layers, and dense layers.
Restrictive layer means a stratum impeding the vertical movement of water, air, and/or growth of plant roots, such as hardpan, claypan, fragipan, caliche, some compacted soils, bedrock and unstructured clay soils. This also includes a water table.
Restrictive layer means a stratum impeding the vertical movement of water, air, and growth of plant roots. Some examples in- clude: Hardpan, claypan, fragipan, caliche, some compacted soils, bed- rock, or unstructured clay soils.
Restrictive layer means low permeability earth materials including rock, hard pan, or other type of restrictive layer which will prevent or significantly retard the downward migration of wastewater.
Restrictive layer means a soil horizon that is assigned to a soil category 10 as defined in § 6.16(L) of this Part.
Restrictive layer means a stratum impeding the vertical move- ment of water, air, and growth of plant roots, such as hardpan, clay- pan, fragipan, caliche, some compacted soils, bedrock and unstructured clay soils.