Examples of Restrictive Terms in a sentence
However, they may lead to competitiveconcerns, ☆(i) when such clauses contribute to unreasonable profit sharing with a seller, or (ii) when such clauses have some effects to prevent a buyer from reselling because a seller request for the disclosure of the profit or cost structure (Unfair Trade Practices: Trading on Restrictive Terms) Providing Take or Pay clauses is not basically harmful under the AMA.
Discount for Restrictive Terms The Binomial Model and Black-Scholes Formula assume that the options being valued can be sold on a secondary market.
As of the end of December 2008, the JFTC was conducting ongoing hearing procedures for 57 cases, of which 13 concerned allegations of violations of the AMA, 40 concerned surcharge payment orders and 4 concerned allegations of violations of the Premiums and Representations Act.The JFTC issued decisions on 59 cases in 2008 following hearing procedures, including the case of Trading on Restrictive Terms Relating to Windows OEM Sales Agreements by Microsoft Corporation.
Electromagnetic spectrum monitoring is performed from fixed/transportable systems located around the NAWCAD as well as from a mobile frequency monitoring system, Signal Seeking System Searching for Negligent or Obscure Offenders Propagating Illegal Emissions (S4NOOPIE) and managed at the Control Center located at the ATR Facility (Bldg.
See U.S. Dep’t Justice, Fact Sheet: Prosecuting and Detaining Terror Suspects in the U.S. Criminal Justice System, June 9, 2009, available at http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2009/June/09‐ag‐564.html; Kareem Fahim, Restrictive Terms of Prisoner’s Confinement Add Fuel to Debate, N.Y. TIMES, Feb.
When profit share clauses unreasonably sharing the resale profit with a seller, by setting a high percentage of all resale profit without properly considering seller’s actual contribution to resale or by using a gross profit as a resale profit, these are likely to be in violation of the Antimonopoly Act (Unfair Trade Practices: Trading on Restrictive Terms).
Restrictions such as {1} and {2} above may unjustly restrict R&D activities by the participants and are regarded as being highly likely to impede fair competition (General Designations: Article 13 [D ealing on Restrictive Terms]).
Moreover, when a calculation method and a percentage of sharing resale profit with a seller are not clear in advance, it becomes more likely to be in violation of the Antimonopoly Act (Unfair Trade Practices: Trading on Restrictive Terms).
REV.1340 (1966); Peter Elman, Cases: Restrictive Terms in a Standard Contract, 7 ISR.
Summary Given the above, it cannot be said that providing destination clauses itself under a fixed-term FOB contract is necessary and reasonable, and such a provision is likely to be in violation of the Antimonopoly Act (Unfair Trade Practices: Trading on Restrictive Terms).