Examples of Results Management in a sentence
Any other Anti-Doping Organization with authority to test the Athlete that wishes to conduct further analysis on a stored Sample may do so with the permission of the Anti-Doping Organization that initiated and directed Sample collection or WADA, and shall be responsible for any follow-up Results Management.
Sample Where WADA, an Anti-Doping Organization with Results Management authority, and/or a WADA- accredited laboratory (with approval from WADA or the Anti-Doping Organization with Results Management authority) wishes to split an A or B Sample for the purpose of using the first part of the split Sample for an A Sample analysis and the second part of the split Sample for confirmation, then the procedures set forth in the International Standard for Laboratories shall be followed.
RESPONSIBILITY, INITIAL REVIEW, NOTICE ANDPROVISIONAL SUSPENSIONS Results Management under these Anti-Doping Rules establishes a process designed to resolve anti-doping rule violation matters in a fair, expeditious and efficient manner.
Notification of an anti-doping rule violation shall include: the Athlete's or other Person’s name, country, sport and discipline within the sport, the Athlete’s competitive level, whether the test was In-Competition or Out-of-Competition, the date of Sample collection, the analytical result reported by the laboratory, and other information as required by the International Standard for Testing and Investigations and International Standard for Results Management.
Sample Where WADA, an Anti-Doping Organization with Results Management authority, and/or a WADA-accredited laboratory (with approval from WADA or the Anti-Doping Organization with Results Management authority) wishes to split an A or B Sample for the purpose of using the first part of the split Sample for an A Sample analysis and the second part of the split Sample for confirmation, then the procedures set forth in the International Standard for Laboratories shall be followed.
Notification of an anti-doping rule violation shall include: the Athlete's or other Person’s name, country, sport and discipline within the sport, the Athlete’s competitive level, whether the test was In-Competition or Out-of-Competition, the date of Sample collection, the analytical result reported by the laboratory, and other information as required by the International Standard for Results Management.
Athlete Any combination of three (3) missed tests and/or filing failures, as defined in the International Standard for Results Management, within a twelve-month period by an Athlete in a Registered Testing Pool.
Athlete Any combination of three (3) missed tests and/or filing failures, as defined in the International Standardfor Results Management, within a twelve (12) month period by an Athlete in a Registered Testing Pool.
Results Management Authority: The Anti-Doping Organization responsible for conductingResults Management in a given case.
RESPONSIBILITY, INITIAL REVIEW, NOTICE ANDPROVISIONAL SUSPENSIONS Results Management under these Anti-Doping Rules establishes a process designed to resolve anti- doping rule violation matters in a fair, expeditious and efficient manner.