Reviewed financial statement definition

Reviewed financial statement means a financial statement that includes an inquiry of company personnel, and a review of the analytical procedures applied to the financial data. It does not express an opinion regarding the financial statement taken as a whole.
Reviewed financial statement means a contractor’s financial statement, other than an audited financial statement, that is reviewed by an independent certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442.
Reviewed financial statement means a contractor’s financial statement, other than an audited financial statement, if all of the following apply:

Examples of Reviewed financial statement in a sentence

  • The Reviewed financial statement shall be prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the AICPA.

  • The fair value is obtained by dividing the equity attributable to equity holders of the Business by the number of outstanding shares (13,900,000 shares) Source: Reviewed financial statement for the period of 9 months ending 30 September 2022The Book value per share is equivalent to THB 87.90 per share.

  • Agencies must submit an Annual Reviewed financial statement if gross revenue from services total less than $150,000, but more than $50,000 for any twelve-month period.

  • Result from the cash flow from operating activities is increasing, while the interest expenses is decreasing.Table 4-9: Profit and loss statement of SPI Source: Audited annual financial statement of SPI from 2014 – 2016 and Reviewed financial statement of SPI ended 31 March 2017RevenuePerformance of the major incomeThe company earns total revenue of Baht 4,557 million in 2016, increase of Baht 346 million or 8%.

  • Requirements necessary for specific prequalification are as follows: 1) A CPA Audited or Reviewed financial statement for the period ending June 30, 2016.

More Definitions of Reviewed financial statement

Reviewed financial statement means a financial state- ment, containing a sworn and notarized statement by the contrac- tor that the financial statement is correct, that is reviewed accord- ing to generally accepted accounting principles by an independent certified public accountant, or by a public accountant who holds a certificate of authority under ch. 442, Stats., but that is not audited by the accountant.
Reviewed financial statement means a financial statement, other than an audited financial statement, that meets all of the following requirements:
Reviewed financial statement means a contractor's financial
Reviewed financial statement. Tests numbers and ratios. Required based on partner’s budget/revenues of $25,000 - $100,000. • Compilation: Pulls fiscal records and converts into Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP) with disclosures/notes. Required based on partner’s budget/revenues below $25,000. • IRS 990 Tax Return – Must be from the same calendar year/fiscal year as audit (organizations which are not required to submit a Form 990 must complete the first two pages of a 990 for UWNA), accounting method must be accrual; including signatures in the box marked “Signature of Officer.” The preparer’s signature alone is not sufficient. Dates of the Form 990 must match dates of annual audit and both cannot be older than 18 months.
Reviewed financial statement means a contractor’s financial statement, other than an audited financial statement, if all of the following apply: (b) The financial statement that is reviewed by an independent certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442.
Reviewed financial statement means a financial state- ment that includes an inquiry of company personnel, and a review of the analytical procedures applied to the finan-