Revitalization Fund definition

Revitalization Fund means the Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund.
Revitalization Fund means the Navajo Revitalization Fund.
Revitalization Fund means the Economic Revitalization and Investment Enterprise Fund created in Section 35A-8-509.

Examples of Revitalization Fund in a sentence

  • In order to be eligible for an incentive payment under the “Neighborhood Revitalization Fund Program,” the Capital Investments must be made within the Community Development Area (CDA) (but outside the downtown development tier), Targeted Portions of the CDA or Targeted portions of the Urban Growth Area.

  • This project is authorized under Section 16-r of the New York State Urban Development Corporation Act (the “Act”) and satisfies the eligibility criteria in the Act and the rules and regulations for the Downstate Revitalization Fund Program.

  • The Massachusetts Gateway Cities program, for example, provides resources to create communi- ties of choice and attract entrepreneurs to cities with populations between 35,000 and 250,000 that have median incomes and educational attainment levels below the state average.The Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund made grants to municipalities for cleanup and redevelopment of brownfield sites.

  • Christodoss) Documents: MAIN LANE INDUSTRIES - CO 3 - 43RD STREET RECONSTRUCTION.PDF 11.O. Consider For Approval The Bid From Ardent Construction, LLC In The Amount Of $4,111,000.00 For The Construction Of The Galveston Lasker Park Community Swimming Pool Project Located At Lasker Park, 43rd & Ave.Q. Funding Sources Are IDC, TPWD Grant, Foundation Grants, Donations, Neighborhood Revitalization Fund And Better Parks For Galveston.

  • We conclude that the hydrogen bonding in (UHCN)– fails to provide as much stabilization as in (UH2S)–.

  • The County is authorized to and shall transfer any tax increment received for the Parties to the Neighborhood Revitalization Fund (NRA Fund) a separate fund created and maintained by the City under the authority of K.S.A. 12-17,118 and amendments thereto.

  • No. In accordance with the American Rescue Plan Act, entities that have a pending application for or received an SVOG are not eligible to apply under the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

  • The County shall calculate the annual rebate as per the Plan and shall transfer any tax increment rebate amounts received for the Parties to the Neighborhood Revitalization Fund (NRA Fund) a separate fund created and maintained by the City under the authority of K.S.A. 12-17,118 and amendments thereto.

  • The bill makes adjustments to the percentages of disbursement of the corpus of the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Endowment to the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Fund.

  • See Appendix D in the Industrial Revitalization Fund Application Instruction Manual for pre-calculated scores for all cities and counties.

Related to Revitalization Fund

  • Municipal Revitalization Index means the 2007 index by the

  • Tax Exempt Bond-Financed Development means a Development which has been financed by the issuance of tax-exempt bonds subject to applicable volume cap pursuant to Section 42(h)(4) of the IRC.

  • Acquisition Fund means any company formed with the intent to offer securities to the public and use the proceeds to consummate one or more Business Combinations which are unspecified at the time of the securities offering.

  • Construction Fund means an account specifically identified in the Indenture to hold funds which are currently available for expenditure to acquire or construct public facilities eligible under the Act.

  • Compensation Fund means the fund maintained by the Society pur- suant to Sections 21 and 22 (as substituted, respectively, by Sections 29 and 30 of the Act of 1994) of the Act of 1960;

  • 100-year floodplain means any area of land that:

  • Policy Schedule means a schedule attached to these Terms and Benefits, which sets out, among others, the Policy Effective Date, Renewal Date, the name and the relevant particulars of the Policy Holder and the Insured Person, the eligible benefits, premium and other relevant details in respect of these Terms and Benefits.

  • 100-year flood means a flood that has a 1-percent or greater chance of recurring in any given year or a flood of a magnitude equaled or exceeded once in 100 years on the average over a significantly long period.

  • Administration Fund means the Administration Fund established by the Fiscal Agent pursuant to Section 4.01 hereof.

  • Redevelopment Plan means the “Lincoln Center Redevelopment Plan” passed, adopted and approved by the City pursuant to the Resolution, and shall include any amendment of said Redevelopment Plan heretofore or hereafter made by the City pursuant to law.

  • Community rate means the average rate charged for the same or similar coverage to all primary

  • Water control structure means a structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, 10-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.

  • Metropolitan statistical area means any of the metropolitan statistical areas as defined from time to time by the United States Office of Management and Budget.

  • National Flood Insurance Program means the program created by the U.S. Congress pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as revised by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, that mandates the purchase of flood insurance to cover real property improvements located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in participating communities and provides protection to property owners through a Federal insurance program.