ROFR Acreage definition

ROFR Acreage means, with respect to oil and gas assets, (i) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned by Noble Energy Group in the areas of Dimmit, Xxxxxx and Xxxx Counties, Texas to the extent described on Schedule A, (ii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned by Noble Energy Group in Weld County, Colorado and the Utica Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and (iii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage in the future acquired by Noble Energy Group onshore in the continental United States of America; provided that any acreage specifically released in a written instrument signed by the Partnership subsequent to the date hereof are excluded from the definition of ROFR Acreage.
ROFR Acreage means, with respect to oil and gas assets, all leasehold acreage and fee acreage in the continental United States of America currently owned or in the future acquired by Noble Energy Group with respect to which a Noble Energy Group Member is the operator; provided that acreage located offshore of the United States of America (on the continental shelf or otherwise) and the portion of any acreage that grants a Noble Energy Group Member rights in the Marcellus formation are excluded from the definition of ROFR Acreage.
ROFR Acreage means, with respect to oil and gas assets, (i) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned by Noble Energy Group in the areas of Dimmit, Xxxxxx and Xxxx Counties, Texas to the extent described on Schedule A, (ii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned by Noble Energy Group in Weld County, Colorado and the Utica Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and (iii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage in the future acquired by Noble Energy Group onshore in the continental United States of America outside of the Marcellus Shale in the northeastern United States; provided that any acreage specifically released in a written instrument signed by the Partnership subsequent to the date hereof are excluded from the definition of ROFR Acreage.

Examples of ROFR Acreage in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Partnership may release any ROFR Acreage in a written instrument signed by the Partnership.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, from the Effective Date through the Rights Termination Date, the ROFR granted by Noble (on behalf of itself and the Noble Energy Group Members) to the Partnership pursuant to Section 4.1(a) of the Omnibus Agreement shall continue to apply to all ROFR Acreage and all ROFR Services, subject to the limited waiver set forth in clause (ii) of this Section 1(a).

More Definitions of ROFR Acreage

ROFR Acreage means, with respect to oil and gas assets, (i) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned by Noble Energy Group in the areas of Dimmit, Xxxxxx and Xxxx Counties, Texas to the extent described on Exhibit A, (ii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned or in the future acquired by Noble Energy Group in Weld County, Colorado and the Utica Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and (iii) all leasehold acreage and fee acreage currently owned or in the future acquired by Noble Energy Group onshore in the continental United States of America (outside of the Marcellus formation); provided that any acreage specifically released in a written instrument signed by the Partnership subsequent to the date hereof are excluded from the definition of ROFR Acreage.

Related to ROFR Acreage

  • ROFR means a right of first refusal to purchase or a right of first offer to purchase one or more of the Mortgaged Properties pursuant to a recorded instrument (or a memorandum thereof) encumbering the applicable Mortgaged Property.

  • Acreage means the number of acres of land area of an Assessor's Parcel as shown on an Assessor's Parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, the Board may rely on the land area shown on the applicable final map, parcel map, condominium plan, or other recorded County parcel map.

  • ROFO Notice is defined in Section 6.2(a).

  • ROFR Notice has the meaning set forth in Section 3.02(d).

  • First Offer Notice shall have the meaning set forth in Section 14.4(a).

  • Tag or “RFID tag” means the unique identification number or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) issued to a licensee by the agency for tracking, identifying and verifying marihuana plants, marihuana products, and packages of marihuana product in the statewide monitoring system.

  • Proposed Transfer Notice means written notice from a Key Holder setting forth the terms and conditions of a Proposed Key Holder Transfer.

  • Horizontal well means a well bore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty (80) degrees to the vertical or with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred (100) feet measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of supply.

  • Offered Interests has the meaning set forth in Section 8.5(a).

  • AMI means Area Median Income as defined by HUD.

  • Deep well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock at least 5 feet thick located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Term SOFR Notice means a notification by the Administrative Agent to the Lenders and the Borrower of the occurrence of a Term SOFR Transition Event.

  • JOA means the joint operating agreement currently in force in respect of operations pursuant to a Licence and identified as such in Schedule 1;

  • First Offer has the meaning set forth in Section 3.9(e)(1) or Section 11.1(b)(i), as applicable.

  • First Offer Period has the meaning set forth in Section 13.5.

  • Subject Lands means the lands subject to or covered by the oil and gas leases described in Exhibit A, insofar and only insofar as they are located within the AMI Area and cover the Target Formation, subject to the exceptions, exclusions and reservations set forth on such Exhibit A.

  • Offered Interest has the meaning set forth in Section 11.2.1.

  • First Refusal Right means the right granted to the Corporation in accordance with Article E.

  • Available Space means the balance of the rentable square footage in the Building not already included as part of the Premises, which is not occupied by a tenant or which is occupied by an existing tenant whose lease is expiring within 6 months or less and such tenant does not wish to renew (whether or not such tenant has a right to renew) its occupancy of such space. If there is any Available Space in the Building, Landlord shall, at such time as Landlord shall elect so long as Tenant’s rights hereunder are preserved, deliver to Tenant written notice (the “Expansion Notice”) of such Available Space, together with the terms and conditions on which Landlord is prepared to lease Tenant such Available Space; provided that Base Rent shall be at the Market Rate (as defined in Section 40(a) below) for such Available Space. Tenant shall be entitled to exercise its right under this Section 39(a) only with respect to the entire Available Space described in such Expansion Notice (“Identified Available Space”). Tenant shall have 5 business days following delivery of the Expansion Notice to deliver to Landlord written notification of Tenant’s exercise of the Expansion Right with respect to the Identified Available Space (“Exercise Notice”). Tenant shall be entitled to lease such Identified Available Space upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Expansion Notice. If Landlord and Tenant are unable to agree on the Market Rate for the Available Space after negotiating in good faith within 5 days after Tenant’s delivery of an Exercise Notice, the applicable Market Rate will be determined through arbitration in accordance with Section 40(b). Tenant acknowledges and agrees that, if Tenant has delivered an Exercise Notice pursuant to this Section 39(a), Tenant shall have no right thereafter to rescind or elect not to lease the Available Space. Tenant acknowledges that the Term of the Lease with respect to the Identified Available Space may not be co-terminous with the Term of the Lease with respect to the original Premises. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant shall have no right to exercise the Expansion Right and the provisions of this Section 39(a) shall no longer apply after the date that is 9 months prior to the expiration of the Base Term if Tenant has not exercised its Extension Right pursuant to Section 40. If Tenant fails to deliver an Exercise Notice to Landlord for the Identified Available Space within the required 5 business day period, Tenant shall be deemed to have forever waived its rights under this Section 39(a) to lease the Identified Available Space, and Landlord shall have the right to lease the Identified Available Space to any third party on any terms and conditions acceptable to Landlord.

  • Offer Notice shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.

  • Acre-foot means the amount of water necessary to cover one acre of land one foot deep, or about 325,851 U. S. gallons of water.

  • car-share parking space means a parking space that is reserved and actively used for car-sharing;

  • Area of Interest means the area described in Part 2 of Exhibit A.

  • Remaining Shares has the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.2.

  • Proposed Transfer means any assignment, sale, offer to sell, pledge, mortgage, hypothecation, encumbrance, disposition of or any other like transfer or encumbering of any Transfer Stock (or any interest therein) proposed by any of the Stockholders.

  • Subject Interests means Assignor’s undivided interests in the Subject Lands, as determined prior to giving effect to this Conveyance (or as may be made part of the Subject Interests pursuant to Section 3.1 or 3.2 of the Development Agreement), whether as lessee under leases, as an owner of the Subject Minerals (or the right to extract such Minerals) or otherwise, by virtue of which undivided interests Assignor has the right to conduct exploration, drilling, development and Mineral production operations on the Subject Lands, or to cause such operations to be conducted, or to participate in such operations by paying and bearing all or any part of the costs, risks and liabilities of such operations, to drill, test, complete, equip, operate and produce xxxxx to exploit the Minerals. The “Subject Interests” (a) may be owned by Assignor pursuant to leases, deeds, operating, pooling or unitization agreements, orders or any other instruments, agreements or documents, recorded or unrecorded, (b) include any and all extensions or renewals of leases covering the Subject Lands (or any portion thereof) obtained by Assignor, or any Affiliate thereof, within six (6) months after the expiration or termination of any such lease, and (c) are subject to the Permitted Encumbrances. For the avoidance of doubt, the “Subject Interests” do not include: (i) Assignor’s interests in the Excluded Assets; (ii) Assignor’s rights to substances other than Minerals; (iii) Assignor’s rights to Minerals (other than Assignee Minerals) under contracts for the purchase, sale, transportation, storage, processing or other handling or disposition of Minerals; (iv) Assignor’s interests in, or rights to Minerals (other than Assignee Minerals) held in pipelines, gathering systems, storage facilities, processing facilities or other equipment or facilities, other than Development Xxxxx; or (v) any additional or enlarged interests in the Development Xxxxx, Subject Lands or Subject Minerals acquired by Assignor after the Closing Time, except (1) to the extent any such additional or enlarged interest becomes a part of the Subject Interests by amendment to this Conveyance pursuant to Section 3.1 or 3.2 of the Development Agreement, (2) as may result from the operation of the terms of the instruments creating the Subject Interests, or (3) as may be reflected in extensions and renewals covered by the preceding sentence.