Examples of Round Robin Resolution in a sentence
The Board may at any time convene a meeting of all Preference Shareholders or holders of any Class of Preference Shares, as the case may be, or put a proposed resolution to vote by way of a Round Robin Resolution.
The Chairman must give prior permission to approve Directives by means of a Round Robin Resolution.
The Committee‘s Terms of Reference allow for a Round Robin Resolution for the approval of urgent amendments to existing Directives.
Contractor’s invoice for payment must be itemized in accordance with THE Schedule of Prices.
Save for correcting errors substantiated as such from object evidence or which are self-evident errors (including, but without limitation eiusdem generis, spelling, punctuation, reference, grammar or similar defects) in this MOI, which the Board is empowered to do, all other amendments of this MOI shall only be effected if approved by the Members of the Company by passing a special resolution to that effect through either a Round Robin Resolution or in a General Meeting (Please refer to Clause 15).