Round Trip means any trip, the ultimate destination of which is the origin, and which is made via the same routing in both directions.
Round Trip means any Service conveying loaded wagons and any Empty Services and Ancillary Movements associated with that Service;
Round Trip means a flight from a departure point to one destination and back to the same departure point. In the event that Passenger travels from a departure point to multiple destinations, Operator will provide a separate invoice or such other documentation as reasonably agreed upon by Operator and Passenger for each Trip. All costs of repositioning an aircraft to accommodate a Trip shall be included on the invoice related to such Trip.
Examples of Round Trip in a sentence
References in this Schedule to a "Service", except in the definition of "Round Trip", shall include, in relation to any Planned Service, any Empty Services or Ancillary Movements associated with such Planned Service.
The CVL IM shall not be liable to the Train Operator for more than one Planned Disruption Sum in respect of any Round Trip.
The CVL IM shall not be liable to the Train Operator for more than one Service Variation Sum in respect of any Round Trip.
More Definitions of Round Trip
Round Trip means the amount of measured time that it takes for a reference query to make a complete trip from the SRS gateway, through the SRS system, back to the SRS gateway.
Round Trip means any trip, the ultimate destination of which is the point of origin, and which is made in both directions.
Round Trip means a Service and any associated Empty Services and Ancillary Movements;
Round Trip means transportation of an adult from the adult's place of residence to the provider and back.
Round Trip means a trip that requires the Driver and bus to remain in readiness throughout the trip until it returns to its point of origin for a single customer. A Driver would be required to provide all services requested by the customer including meal stops.
Round Trip means a travel from one point to another and return to the point of origin either by the same route as that used for the outbound journey or by the different route from that used for the outbound journey, provided that the same one-way fare applies to the outbound and inbound routings.
Round Trip means a booking for both a northbound and southbound Bass Strait crossing;