Rounding definition

Rounding. The Delivery Amount and the Return Amount will be rounded up and down to the nearest integral multiple of CAD 10,000 respectively, subject to the maximum Return Amount being equal to the Credit Support Balance.
Rounding. The Delivery Amount and the Return Amount will be rounded up and down respectively to the nearest integral multiple of $10,000.
Rounding. ’ means any calculations for notes, including the interest rate for any floating rate notes, expressed as a percentage rounded to five decimal places, for example, 3.12345%. The results of any interim calculations (for example, in averaging more than one quotation and in applying a Multiplier) will also be rounded to five decimal places. Where the number 5 is in the sixth decimal place, such calculation will be rounded up, for example, 3.1234450% will be rounded to 3.12345%.

Examples of Rounding in a sentence

  • Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) Numeric – Integer 3 9 ARMs Only See Coding 0 = No Rounding 1 = Up 2 = Down 3 = Nearest 99=Unknown 44 ARM Round Factor The percentage to which an adjusted interest rate is to be rounded.

  • Rounding of Marks Statement Across the Basic Medical Sciences Undergraduate Education programs, we strive to maintain high standards that reflect the effort that both students and faculty put into the teaching and learning experience during this course.

  • The results will be commercially rounded according to the Strike Amount Rounding (the "Current Knock-Out Barrier").Die "Anfängliche Knock-Out Barriere" am Anfänglichen Referenztag (§ 8 (2) der Emissionsbezogenen Bedingungen) entspricht, vorbehaltlich von Anpassungen gemäß § 12 der Emissionsbezogenen Bedingungen, der in der Tabelle 1 im Annex der Emissionsbezogenen Bedingungen angegebenen Anfänglichen Knock- Out Barriere.

  • The Fund is an entity of the kind referred to in ASIC Corporations (Rounding in Financial/Directors' Reports) Instrument 2016/191, relating to the 'rounding off' amounts in the financial statements.

  • The Fund is an entity of a kind referred to in ASIC Corporations (Rounding in Financial/Directors’ Reports) Instrument 2016/191 issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) relating to the “rounding off” of amounts in the financial statements.

More Definitions of Rounding

Rounding. The Delivery Amount and the Return Amount will be rounded up and down to the nearest integral multiple of USD10,000 respectively (with a number falling halfway between being rounded up), subject to the maximum Return Amount being equal to the Credit Support Balance.
Rounding. The Delivery Amount and the Return Amount will be rounded up and down to the nearest integral multiple of CHF 10,000 respectively, subject to the maximum Return Amount being equal to the Credit Support Balance.‌
Rounding. In any calculations made under the Conditions: (a) all percentages will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one hundred-thousandth of a percentage point (with 0.000005 of a percentage point being rounded up); (b) all figures will be rounded to seven significant figures (provided that if the eighth significant figure is a 5 or greater, the seventh significant figure shall be rounded up); and (c) all currency amounts that fall due and payable will be rounded to the nearest unit of Currency (with half a unit being rounded up), except in the case of yen, which will be rounded down to the nearest yen in all cases. In this Base Condition 5.7 “unit” means the lowest amount of a Currency that is available as legal tender in the country of the relevant Currency (or, in the case of the euro, €0.01).
Rounding. The Delivery Amount will be rounded up to the nearest integral multiple of AUD 10,000, and the Return Amount will be rounded down to the nearest integral multiple of AUD 10,000.
Rounding. The Delivery Amount will be rounded up to the nearest integral multiple of USD15,000 and the Return Amount will be rounded down to the nearest integral multiple of USD15,000, subject to the maximum Return Amount being equal to the Credit Support Balance.
Rounding. The Floating Price shall be rounded to the nearest three (3) decimal places.
Rounding. The Delivery Amount and the Return Amount will not be rounded. VALUATION AND TIMING.