sacred objects which shall mean specific ceremonial objects which are needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditional Native American religions by their present day adherents, and
sacred objects means Native American items that are specific ceremonial objects needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditional Native American religions by their present-day adherents. These items are specifically limited to objects that were devoted to a traditional Native American religious ceremony or ritual and which have religious significance or function in the continued observance or renewal of such ceremony.
sacred objects means items that are specific ceremonial objects needed by traditional Native American reli- gious leaders for the practice of tradi- tional Native American religions by their present-day adherents. While many items, from ancient pottery sherds to arrowheads, might be imbued with sacredness in the eyes of an indi- vidual, these regulations are specifi- cally limited to objects that were de- voted to a traditional Native American religious ceremony or ritual and which have religious significance or function in the continued observance or renewal of such ceremony. The term traditional religious leader means a person who is recognized by members of an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization as:
More Definitions of sacred objects
sacred objects which shall mean specific ceremonial objects which are needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditional Native American religions by their present day adherents, and (D) “cultural patrimony” which shall mean an object having ongoing historical, traditional, or cultural impor- tance central to the Native American group or culture itself, rather than property owned by an individual NativeAmerican, and which, therefore, cannot be alienated, appro- priated, or conveyed by any individual regardless of whether or not the individual is a member of the Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and such object shall have been considered inalienable by such Native American group at the time the object was separated from such group. (4) “Federal agency” means any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States. Such term does not include the Smithsonian Institution. (5) “Federal lands” means any land other than tribal lands which are controlled or owned by the United States, including lands selected by but not yet conveyed to Alaska Native Corporations and groups organized pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 [43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.]. (6) “Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai’i Nei” means the nonprofit, Native Hawaiian organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Hawaii by that name on April 17, 1989, for the purpose of providing guidance and expertise in decisions dealing with Native Hawaiian cultural issues, particularly burial issues. (7) “Indian tribe” means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, including any Alaska Native village (as defined in, or established pursuant to, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act) [43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.], which is recognized as eligible for the special pro- grams and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
sacred objects means moveable cultural resources determined to have special importance to an Aboriginal group for medicinal, spiritual or ceremonial purposes.
sacred objects means specific items which are needed by traditional religious leaders for the practice of an ongoing religion by present-day adherents;
sacred objects means items that are specific ceremonial objects needed by traditional Native American religious leaders for the current practice of traditional Native American religions by their present-day adherents. While many items, from ancient pottery shards to arrowheads, might be imbued with sacredness in the eyes of an individual, these regulations are specifically limited to objects that were devoted to a traditional Native American religious ceremony or ritual and which have religious significance or function in the continued observance or renewal of such ceremony.
sacred objects means items thatare specific ceremonial objects neededby traditional Native American religious leaders for the practice of traditionalNative American religions by theirpresent-day adherents. While many items, from ancient pottery sherds to arrowheads, might be imbued withsacredness in the eyes of an individual, these regulations are specifically limited to objects that were devoted to atraditional Native American religious ceremony or ritual and which havereligious significance or function in the continued observance or renewal ofsuch ceremony. The term traditional religious leader means a person who is recognized by members of an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organizationas:
sacred objects means specific ceremonial objects which are needed by Tribal members for the practice of traditional Indian religions by present day adherents.
sacred objects which shall mean specific ceremonial objects which are needed by traditional Rincon Band religious leaders for the practice of traditional Rincon Band religions by their present day adherents; and