Salary Reduction Contribution definition
Examples of Salary Reduction Contribution in a sentence
All Participants, except those who have in effect a Salary Reduction Agreement on the effective date of the EACA regardless of the Salary Reduction Contribution amount under the Agreement.
Participants may change (including, suspend) their existing Excess Salary Reduction Contribution election under this Plan during the Plan Year by filing a new election in accordance with the prescribed administrative guidelines.
In addition, if any Participant Salary Reduction Contribution is due to a mistake of fact, the Employer or the Trustee upon written request from the Employer shall return the Participant's contribution (adjusted for net income, gain or loss), within one year after payment of the contribution.
Each other Eligible Employee, Re-Employed Employee or Re-Employed Previously Eligible Employee who is not a participant in another account balance elective plan of the Employer within the meaning of Code section 409A and regulations thereunder may make an initial Deferral Agreement to make a Salary Reduction Contribution within thirty (30) days after the date the Eligible Employee first becomes eligible to participate in the Plan.
In all other cases, the initial Deferral Agreement to make a Salary Reduction Contribution must be made no later than the last day of the Election Period preceding the Taxable Year in which Compensation subject to the Salary Reduction Contribution is earned.