To Defer definition

To Defer means to postpone all discussion on a matter until a future date or time, one which is established as part of the motion;
To Defer. – shall mean to postpone all discussion on a matter until a future date or time, which is established as part of the motion.

Examples of To Defer in a sentence

  • Election To Defer In accordance with the provisions of the webMethods, Inc.

  • Docket No. ER00–2017–000]Take notice that on May 16, 2000, Central Maine Power Company (CMP), tendered for filing an amendment to its Motion To Defer Action (Motion), filed on May 12, 2000, in the above- referenced docket.

  • For information about how to elect to use these special rules, see How To Report an Election To Defer Tax on Eligible Gain Invested in a QO Fund, later.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant's benefits under all non-qualified employee benefit plans or programs maintained by the Company shall be determined as if the Participant had not made an Election To Defer Base Compensation.

  • F.1.2. A motion was made by Alderperson Prozanski and seconded by Alderperson Juliana: To Defer this matter for 30 days.

  • In this study the definition of Rest (1986) of moral awareness has been used.

  • Motion To Defer Entry Of Discharge Time To File Reaffirmation Agreement Filed By Kim A Donahower Represented By Patrick Daniel Mcdonnell .Trustee: Terry P.

  • Recommendation 1: To Defer and Delegate, that and subject to the completion of a suitable obligation to secure the following:  a financial contribution of £25,000 towards environmental improvements to Crabtree Park a financial contribution of £27,000 towards the implementation of shared cycleway/footway on Frimley Road.

  • The following motion was considered: C102-2010 Moved by Regional Councillor Gibson Seconded by Regional Councillor Palleschi That the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of April 28, 2010, be approved, as amended, as follows: To Defer: Item I 8-5 Report from K.

  • A PUBLIC HEARING regarding Resolution No. B-16407, a resolution authorizing the City Council for the City of Kenner to hold a public hearing to determine whether or not the building(s) located at 1525 31st Street, Kenner, Louisiana should not be repaired or demolished.Motion by Councilmember Carroll, Seconded by Councilmember Black, To Defer for One MeetingMotion Carried 6/0 Absent: Councilmember Denapolis 9-C.

Related to To Defer

  • Defer means to postpone enrollment or interrupt enrollment in PEBB insurance coverage by a retiree or an eligible survivor.

  • Performance-Based Compensation means compensation qualifying as “performance-based compensation” under Section 162(m) of the Code.