sanctioned plan means the site plan, building plan, service plan, parking and circulation plan, landscape plan, layout plan, zoning plan and such other plan and includes structural designs, if applicable, permissions such as environment permission and such other permissions, which are approved by the competent authority prior to start of a real estate project;
sanctioned plan means the plan sanctioned by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation vide sanction Plan No. 2017080051 dated 16th September, 2017 and include additions/alterations made thereto subject to compliance of the Act.
sanctioned plan means the plan sanctioned by the New Town Kolkata Development Authority vide Building PIN No. 0010001120190411 dated 11.04.2019 and include additions/alterations made thereto subject to compliance of the Act.
Examples of sanctioned plan in a sentence
The Allottee has seen and accepted the Sanctioned Plan, proposed layout plan, amenities and facilities of the Apartment and accepted the floor plan which has been approved by the KMC, the Total Price and Payment Plan mentioned in Schedule E and the Extra Charges and Deposits as more fully mentioned in Schedule I and the Specifications and the Common Areas, Amenities and Facilities and specifications, mentioned in Schedules G and F.
More Definitions of sanctioned plan
sanctioned plan means the plan sanctioned by the Rajarhat Panchayat Samity vide Memo No. 2360/RPS dated 27.05.2019 and modified/revised on and include any other additions/alterations to the sanctioned/modification plans subject to compliance of the Act.
sanctioned plan. Means the set of plans such as site plan, building plan, service plan, parking and circulation plan, landscape plan, layout plan, zoning plan and such other plan and includes structural designs, if applicable, permissions such as environment permission and such other permissions, and specifications submitted under the Rules in connection with a building/project and which are approved and sanctioned by the authority prior to start of the building/project.
sanctioned plan means the set of drawings and statements submitted under these rules in connection with a building and duly approved and sanctioned by the authority;
sanctioned plan means the plan sanctioned by the Panihati Municipality vide Building Permit No. 591 dated 22nd November, 2016 and include additions/alterations made thereto subject to compliance of the Act.
sanctioned plan means the plan sanctioned by the New Town Kolkata Development Authority vide Building Plan No._ _ _ _. and include additions/alterations made thereto subject to compliance of the Act.
sanctioned plan means the plans of the Building which have sanctioned and approved by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation including Building Permit No. 2024070044, dated 4th June, 2024 which may be finally revised/ approved/ sanctioned by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation and shall also, wherever the context permits, include such plans, drawings, designs, elevations and specifications as are prepared by the Architect(s) and shall also include the variations, modifications, alterations and changes therein that may be made by the Transferors, if any, as well as all revisions, renewals and extensions thereof, if any;