CJA means the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C-43, as amended;
WURA means the Winding-Up and Restructuring Act (Canada).
Portugal when used in a geographical sense comprises the territory of the Portuguese Republic in accordance with the International Law and the Portuguese legislation;
Spain means the Kingdom of Spain.
Namibia means the Republic of Namibia and, when used in geographical sense, includes the territorial sea as well as the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf over which Namibia exercises sovereign rights in accordance with its national and international laws concerning the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of the sea-bed and its subsoil and the superjacent waters as defined in sections 2, 4, and 6 of the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone of Namibia Act, 1990 (Act No. 3 of 1990);[definition of “Namibia” inserted by Act 13 of 2015]
HK$ Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong;
IMRO means the Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG.
LTD means NMC Healthcare Limited (in administration);
NZOC means the New Zealand Olympic Committee Incorporated.
EUWA means the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended.
Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond that is backed by assets of the issuer that earn profit or rent.
HKFE means the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited;
Asia means Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
ESMA means the European Securities and Markets Authority.
Mauritius means the Republic of Mauritius and includes:
(i) all the territories and islands which, in accordance with the laws of Mauritius, constitute the State of Mauritius;
(ii) the territorial sea of Mauritius; and
(iii) any area outside the territorial sea of Mauritius which in accordance with international law has been or may hereafter be designated, under the laws of Mauritius, as an area, including the Continental Shelf, within which the rights of Mauritius with respect to the sea, the sea-bed and sub-soil and their natural resources may be exercised;
HKMA means the Hong Kong Monetary Authority;
Subco means 0961994 B.C. Ltd., a company existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia;
SAQA means the South African Qualifications Authority;
Argentina means the Republic of Argentina.
CHDO means a Community Housing Development Organization, as defined in the 2013 HOME regulations at 24 CFR Part 92. CHDO “Owner”, “Developer”, and “Sponsor” are specifically defined therein.
PMU means the Project Management Unit established in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement;
Ministry of Finance means the Recipient’s Ministry of Finance, or any successor thereto.
SA means the booklet that describes the Health Care Coverage provided to Enrolled Members. The Subscriber Agreement(s) applicable to the initial Rating Period are listed in Section III.
CMBI means Chase Manhattan Bank International, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank, located in Moscow, Russia, and any nominee companies appointed by it.
France means the European and overseas departments of the French Republic including the territorial sea, and any area outside the territorial sea within which, in accordance with international law, the French Republic has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting the natural resources of the seabed and its subsoil and the superjacent waters;
Chile means the Republic of Chile.