Examples of SB in a sentence
Pursuant to SB 854, which amended the Prevailing Wage Laws, this Agreement would also be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”).
Furthermore, in recognition that additional funding is needed to sustain the services created under HB 5019, OHCS will deploy funding from Senate Bill (SB) 5511 for the creation of a Long Term- Rental Assistance (LTRA) program.
Legislation (SB 1091) states dual credit courses must apply to the core curriculum, career and technical education courses toward a Dallas College career and technology Certificate or Associate of Applied Science degree, foreign language, or a course that satisfies specific degree plan requirements leading to the completion of a Dallas College Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science Field of Study or Program of Study.
In accordance with SB 795 (1997), Sections 19 and 20, employees covered by the Agreement shall continue as members of the Employees’ Retirement System of Baltimore City or the Teachers Retirement System of Baltimore City or the Teachers’ Pension System, whichever is applicable.
In accordance with SB 795 (1997), Sections 19 and 20, employees covered by this agreement shall continue as, or shall become members of, the Employee Retirement System of Baltimore City or the Teachers’ Retirement System or Teachers’ Pension System, whichever is applicable.