Examples of Schedule of Contributions in a sentence
Schedule of Contributions Governmental employers are required to pay an annual appropriation as established by PERAC.
Note to City: GASB 68 requires 10 fiscal years of data to be provided in the Schedule of Contributions; the City will build this report over the next 10-year period.
In the event that the valuation reveals a larger deficit than expected the Company may be required to increase contributions above those set out in the existing Schedule of Contributions.
This amends the existing deficit recovery plan as set out in the 2017 valuation Schedule of Contributions.
The schedules (the Schedule of Contributions From the Employer and Other Contributing Entities, and the Schedule of Funding Progress) included an actuarial asset valuation for part of the retirement plans’ assets1 that was not related to the market value of those assets, as required by GASB.2 GASB requires these schedules because they provide vital information about whether the plan is accumulating sufficient assets to meet its future pension obligations.