School Calendar Year definition
Examples of School Calendar Year in a sentence
A Joint Staff Development Committee of the Union and the Employer shall co-ordinate opportunities on the designated non-instructional Pro-D Days set out in the School Calendar Year.
The Committee shall recommend to the District Superintendent or designate, opportunities for staff development activities on the two (2) designated Professional Development days as set out in the School Calendar Year.
The Registration fee is a fixed, annual fee based on the School Calendar Year (regardless of when you enter the ASTProgram) and it is not refundable or pro-ratable.
As of July 1, 2020, the Employer shall provide two (2) paid non-instructional days per school year as set out in the School Calendar Year in accordance with the following criteria: • The two (2) non-instructional days apply to 10-month employees only.
Regular School Calendar Year The District shall provide the Contractor with a Transportation Request Form for each student at least five (5) working days prior to the first day the pupils are to be transported.
SECTION 22.3 - The School Calendar Year (School Year) shall begin on August 1 and end on the following July 31.
Discipline may be rounded up to the next highest contest number.***Offense Consequences are Per School Calendar Year ViolationOffenseIn SeasonConsequenceSubsequent SeasonConsequenceIn Possession of Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco/ Vaping/E-CigaretteProducts ATHLETIC POLICY VIOLATIONS AND APPEAL PROCEDURESIn the event an athlete is found in violation of the Athletic Policy, documentation may be filed in the Athletic Department Office.
School Calendar Year - The school calendar year covers the months of August through June, inclusive.
Data PointNotesSchool-Aged PopulationData source: Utah State Board of EducationTimeframe: School Calendar Year 2022 (As of Oct 1, 2021) Definition: Youth ages 10-17 year oldArrestData source: Utah’s Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Timeframe: Calendar Year 2020Definition: Youth aged 17 or younger are considered to be arrested when law enforcement agencies apprehend, cite or refer youth to juvenile court for having committed a delinquent act.
Any changes that are made to the list of Union Representatives during the School Calendar Year will be sent to the Employer.