Preschool child means a child who is three years old or older but is not a school child.
School-age child means a minor who is at least six years old but younger than 18 years old and who is not emancipated.
Preschool age child means a child age three through five not yet attending kindergarten. If a child is older than age five and not attending kindergarten or a higher grade, OCCL considers that child in the preschool-age group.
Child means a child of the employee under the age of one year except for adoption of a child where ‘child’ means a person under the age of five years who is placed with the employee for the purposes of adoption, other than a child or step-child of the employee or of the parent of the employee or a child who has previously lived continuously with the employee for a period of six month or more.
Child/Children means persons who are of an age of two years and above but who are less than 12 years of age;
School climate means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.
Family child care provider means a person who: (a) Provides
Unborn child means the offspring of human beings from conception until birth.
Dependant child means a dependant person who is aged 0–17 years of age.
Minor child means a biological or adopted child of the
Indian child s tribe" means:
School Community means all parents, students and staff of the school and all other persons who have a legitimate interest in or connection with the school.
School counselor means an educator who provides full-time counseling and guidance services and holds the relevant certificate from SBEC.
School campus means all areas of the property under the jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students during the school day.
School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.
Children means all dependants named on a policy (not including spouse).
Special needs child means a child with needs for emotional care, behavioral care, or physical and personal care which require additional skill, knowledge, or responsibility on the part of the foster parents, as measured by Form 470-4401, Foster Child Behavioral Assessment. See subrule 156.6(4).
School bus means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency or private school and operated for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity, to or from school or school activities, or, privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity to or from school or school activities (Education Law §11[1] and Vehicle and Traffic Law §142).
Aboriginal child means a child who is an Aboriginal person
Dependant means -
School year means the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 next following.
Non-Participating Marriage and Family Therapist means a Marriage and Family Therapist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Participating Marriage and Family Therapist means a Marriage and Family Therapist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Spouse means, an individual who,
School Corporation means the Western Xxxxx County Community School Corporation of the County of Xxxxx of the State of Indiana;
Child or Children means a child or children unmarried