Seasonal structure definition

Seasonal structure means a building or structure placed on land and used, designed or intended for use for: (i) a non-residential purpose during a single season of the year where such building or structure is designed to be easily demolished or removed from the land at the end of the season; or (ii) residential mobile homes that are not able to be occupied year- round due to municipal or provincial land use regulation;
Seasonal structure means a building placed or constructed on land and used, designed, or intended for use for a non-residential purpose during a single season of the year where such building is designed to
Seasonal structure means a structure used occasionally or periodically for a period not to exceed six months of a calendar year.

Examples of Seasonal structure in a sentence

  • Dues of Grower/Producer, Out-of-State, Education and Research and Allied memberships are payable and are considered due before the annual spring meeting.

  • This would provide valuable guidance regarding the interpretation of the climatic projections provided by these models in spring prior to the monsoon.Appendix A: Seasonal structure of the multi-decadal trend in surface thermodynamics Figure A1: Seasonal structure of the multi-decadal trend in surface thermodynamics and rainfall simulated between 1950 and 2010 with historical CMIP5 simulations at the closest point to Agoufou in central Sahel.REFERENCES Christensen, J.

  • Figure 3: Seasonal structure of the multi-decadal trend in surface temperature simulated between 1950 and 2010 with historical CMIP5 simulations at the closest point to Agoufou in central Sahel (left panel) and to 0°E0°N in the Gulf of Guinea.

  • Concerns raised, staff stretched quite thin- will review and evaluate programs to create operations manuals to streamline programs• Programs valuable, however need to execute at a high level for the benefit of our members• Seasonal structure again reviewed.• Hosting High Performance 1 seminar on July 18-23.

  • Results (Continued)Figure 5: Decomposition of monthly incidence data Figure 6: Seasonal structure of monthly incidence datasive FBC, 1996-2015weekdays and weekends in 2015bility to get a zero incidence on the weekend was 37.4 % with CI [37.07%, 37.76%].

  • Seasonal structure is important to incorporate because, in the mid 1990s, several fisheries changed from predominantly SS fisheries to AW fisheries that caught mostly male lobsters (this trend has been partially reversed in some areas, including CRA 4).

  • Where a team member is temporarily transferred during working hours from one place to another, the Company shall pay such team member all costs of travelling time and transit costs in accordance with sub-clause 2.19.3.

Related to Seasonal structure

  • Soil structure means the arrangement of primary soil particles into compound particles, peds, or clusters that are separated by natural planes of weakness from adjoining aggregates.

  • Water control structure means a structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, 10-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.

  • utility structure means transmission and distribution lines

  • Residential structure means an individual residential condominium unit or a residential building containing not more than 2 residential units, the land on which it is or will be located, and all appurtenances, in which the owner or lessee contracting for the improvement is residing or will reside upon completion of the improvement.

  • Support Structure means a structure in a public right-of-way other than a Pole or a Tower to which a Wireless Facility is attached at the time of the Application.

  • Existing structure means any structure that is installed or approved for installation at the time a wireless services provider or wireless infrastructure provider provides notice to a locality or the Department of an agreement with the owner of the structure to co-locate equipment on that structure. "Existing structure" includes any structure that is currently supporting, designed to support, or capable of supporting the attachment of wireless facilities, including towers, buildings, utility poles, light poles, flag poles, signs, and water towers.

  • Occupied structure means any building, vehicle, or other place suitable for human occupancy or

  • Sign structure means the assembled components that make up an outdoor advertising display, including, but not limited to, uprights, supports, facings, and trim. A sign structure may contain 1 or 2 signs per facing and may be double-faced, back to back, T-type, or V-type.

  • Accessory Structure (Appurtenant Structure means a structure located on the same parcel of property as the principal structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure. Garages, carports and storage sheds are common urban accessory structures. Pole barns, hay sheds and the like qualify as accessory structures on farms, and may or may not be located on the same parcel as the farm dwelling or shop building.

  • Historic Structure means any structure that is:

  • Temporary Structure means any structure that is apparently temporary in nature;

  • building or structure means a permanent enclosed structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres, consisting of a wall, roof, and/or floor, or any of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, which includes, but is not limited to, air-supported structures or industrial tents; a canopy however shall not be considered a building or structure for the purpose of this By-law and shall not attract development charges;

  • Accessory structure means a structure that is accessory and incidental to a dwelling located on the same lot.

  • Municipal Structures Act means the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);

  • Certified historic structure means a property listed individually on the Virginia Landmarks Register,

  • advertising structure means any screen, fence, wall or other physical structure or object erected to display an advertisement or which is in itself an advertisement or used to display an advertisement.

  • Applicable effluent standards and limitations means all State and Federal effluent standards and limitations to which a discharge is subject under the Act, including, but not limited to, effluent limitations, standards of performance, toxic effluent standards and prohibitions, and pretreatment standards.

  • temporary building or structure means a Building or structure constructed or erected or placed on land for a continuous period not exceeding twelve months, or an addition or alteration to a Building or structure that has the effect of increasing the total floor area thereof for a continuous period not exceeding twelve months;

  • Emergency Service Number or "ESN" is a three to five digit number representing a unique combination of Emergency Response Agencies (law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service) designed to serve a specific range of addresses within a particular geographical area. The ESN facilitates Selective Routing and transfer, if required, to the appropriate PSAP and the dispatch of proper Emergency Response Agency(ies).

  • Section 502(b)(10) changes means changes that contravene an express permit term or condition. Such changes do not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene federally enforceable permit terms and conditions that are monitoring (including test methods), recordkeeping, reporting, or compliance certification requirements.

  • Customer Usage Information means information regarding the historical electricity consumption of a Customer;

  • Permanent structure means a permanent building or permanent structure that is anchored to a permanent foundation with an impermeable floor, and that is completely roofed and walled (new structures require a door or other means of sealing the access way from wind driven rainfall).

  • Parking Structure means a Building, or any part thereof, principally used for the parking of motor vehicles;

  • Industrial maintenance coating means a high performance architectural coating, including primers, sealers, undercoaters, intermediate coats, and topcoats formulated for application to substrates, including floors, exposed to one or more of the following extreme environmental conditions listed below and labeled “For industrial use only;” “For professional use only;” “Not for residential use;” or “Not intended for residential use.”

  • Annual limit on intake or "ALI" means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference man that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 sievert (five rem) or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 sievert (fifty rem) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in appendix C to rule 3701:1-38-12 of the Administrative Code.

  • SOFR Adjustment Conforming Changes means, with respect to any SOFR Rate, any technical, administrative or operational changes (including changes to the interest period, timing and frequency of determining rates and making payments of interest, rounding of amounts or tenors, and other administrative matters) that the Administrator decides, from time to time, may be appropriate to adjust such SOFR Rate in a manner substantially consistent with or conforming to market practice (or, if the Administrator decides that adoption of any portion of such market practice is not administratively feasible or if the Administrator determines that no market practice exists, in such other manner as the Administrator determines is reasonably necessary).