Examples of Land use regulation in a sentence
Land use regulation as follows: On the effective date of annexation, the zoning jurisdiction of the City shall be extended to include the annexed area, and the use of all property therein shall be grandfathered; and shall be temporarily zoned “SFR-1-B” with the intent to rezone the subject property upon request of the landowner or staff.
Land use regulation as follows: On the effective date of annexation, the regulatory and zoning jurisdiction of the City shall be extended to include the annexed area, and the use of all property therein shall be grandfathered; and shall be temporarily zoned “A” with the intent to rezone the subject property upon request of the landowner or staff.
Land use regulation as follows: On the effective date of annexation, the regulatory jurisdiction of the City shall be extended to include the annexed area, and all property therein shall be subject to the City’s police power regulations as set forth in state law and duly adopted ordinances.
Case studies on TOD planning and policymaking in Los Angeles and Santa Monica 122 Los Angeles case study 122 TOD plans in Los Angeles 122 Land use regulation for TOD in Los Angeles 127 Financing strategies for affordable TOD in Los Angeles 142 Planning and finance for transit and active transport in Los Angeles 142 Conclusions for Los Angeles 147 Santa Monica case study 148 Land use and housing policy in Santa Monica 148 Transportation in Santa Monica 152 Conclusions for Santa Monica 156 APPENDIX 2.
Land use regulation is the arena in which these issues play out at the local and regional scales.