Secchi tube definition

Secchi tube means a tool that is used to measure the transparency of stream or river water. A Secchi tube is a clear plastic tube, one meter in length and 1-3/4 inch in diameter, with a mini-Secchi disk on a string. To measure water transparency, the tube is filled with water collected from a stream or river and, looking into the tube from the top, the weighted Secchi disk is lowered into the tube by a string until it disappears and then raised until it reappears, allowing the user to raise and lower the disk within the same water sample numerous times. The depth of the water at the midpoint between disappearance and reappearance of the disk is recorded in centimeters, which are marked on the side of the tube. If the Secchi disk is visible when it is lowered to the bottom of the tube, the transparency reading is recorded as "greater than 100 centimeters."
Secchi tube means a tool that is used to measure the transparency of stream or river water. A Secchi tube is a clear plastic tube, one meter in length and 1-3/4 inch in diameter, with a mini-Secchi
Secchi tube means a tool that is used to measure the transparency of stream or river water. A Secchi tube is a clear plastic tube, one meter in length and 1-3/4 inch in diameter, with a mini-Secchi disk on a string. To measure water transparency, the tube is filled with water collected from a stream or river and, looking into the tube from the top, the weighted Secchi disk is lowered into the tube by a string until it disappears and then raised until it reappears, allowing the user to

Examples of Secchi tube in a sentence

  • Sediment is measured directly through TSS concentrations or estimated from transparency tube and/or Secchi tube measurements.

  • Engage thirteen RW teams to explore streams and other aquatic environments in the Red River Basin, documenting local watershed conditions.Water Quality and Biological Monitoring: Stream Sampling and Macroinvertebrates.o Water Quality – RW Students and Team Leaders will be trained to use field sampling equipment (e.g. sonde, Van Dorn sampler and Secchi tube).

  • Sediment is measured directly through total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations or estimated from transparency tube and/or Secchi tube measurements.

  • Water transparency was measured using a Secchi tube following protocol outlined in (TCEQ 2012).

  • A transparency tube, also known as turbidity or Secchi tube, is used to measure water clarity or provide estimates of turbidity and suspended particulate matter concentrations in water.

  • If collecting a field duplicate for a quality control check, remember to fill these bottles from a separate dip of the bucket sampler.7. Fill 100 cm Secchi tube from the weighted bucket sampler.

  • A turbidimeter and a Secchi tube are used to determine turbidity and transparency respectively.

  • Algorithm 2: buildIndexInput: UpdateBuffer Ui, Index Ii, Integer N .Output: Index Ii+1.

  • Data included: dissolved oxygen, water temperature, pH and specific conductance using a calibrated field meter; stream transparency using a 100 cm Secchi tube; visual observations and upstream/downstream photos; stream stage measurements using wire weight devices and data-logger readings at South Branch and Middle Branch sites.

  • This includes an extendable, two-headed rake made by welding two 14-tine steel garden-rake heads back-to-back, a transparency (Secchi) tube, and a velocity meter.

Related to Secchi tube

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