Examples of Secondary Consideration in a sentence
Cost-Effectiveness Tests in Use by Different States as Primary or Secondary Consideration Source: Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) analysis.Note: Boldface indicates the primary cost-effectiveness test used by each state.
Defendant’s Conduct as a Secondary Consideration The defendant’s conduct in obtaining the trade secret information is not a proposed factor in the reasonable efforts determination mainly because under the UTSA and the Restatement of Torts the defendant’s conduct is relevant to the misappropriation issue, instead of the threshold issue of whether the information qualifies as a trade secret.
Projects that are given Secondary Consideration will be scored second, if OHCS and the Scoring Committee determine in good faith that all funds would not be committed to Projects receiving PrimaryConsideration, and include more stringent funding criteria and a minimum score of 55 to be eligible to receive a funding commitment.
Secondary Consideration (PY2020): Discussed the Secondary Considerations and waiting until June (after the Cost Share Manual come out to approve.
Andrew Blair-Stanek, Increased Market Power as a New Secondary Consideration in Patent Law, 58 AM.
OHCS and its LIFT Scoring Committee may decline to review those Applications with Secondary Consideration if they determine, in good faith, that all available program funds can be deployed to Projects in the Primary Consideration Category that meet minimum preliminary and threshold requirements.
Lastly, each WJ Seller will receive the Secondary Consideration on or before the Payment Date.
Background2004 National Cholesterol Education Program: Adult Treatment Panel III Update Risk Category High risk:CHD or CHD risk equivalents (10-y risk >20%) Secondary Consideration (TG > 200 mg/dL)Target GoalLDL-C <100 mg/dL(optional goal:<70 mg/dL)non HDL-C<130 mg/dLInitiate TLC ≥100 mg/dLConsider Drug Therapy ≥100 mg/dL (<100 mg/dL: considerdrug options) *Achieve at least 30%-40% reduction in LDL-C, regardless of baseline levelAdapted from Grundy SM, et al.
Applications that pass Preliminary Submission Review and Minimum Threshold Requirements Review will be scored competitively using the below-listed criteria, as relevant to either Projects with Primary or Secondary Consideration.
Following the Performance Period, the Committee shall determine, and the outside directors (as such term is used for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code) of the Board of Directors shall ratify, whether and to what extent the goals relating to Total Stockholder Return have been satisfied for the Performance Period and shall determine the number of Performance Shares that shall have become earned hereunder.