Examples of Secondary Registration in a sentence
Pending FERC acceptance of termination of service pursuant to the filing of a notice of termination of the CRR Entity Agreement, the CAISO will suspend the registration and qualification of a Candidate CRR Holder or CRR Holder that has received a notice of termination under the CRR Entity Agreement and the Candidate CRR Holder will not be able to submit nominations in the CRR Allocation or bids in the CRR Auction, or to register as a CRR Holder in the Secondary Registration System.
Only entities that are registered and qualified as a Candidate CRR Holder or CRR Holder shall: 1) submit nominations to CRR Allocations; 2) submit Bids to CRR Auctions; and 3) register as a CRR Holder through the Secondary Registration System.
At least sixty (60) days before the proposed commencement of the CRR Allocation or CRR Auction, or the effective date of the CRR transfer through the Secondary Registration System, in which a Candidate CRR Holder desires to participate as applicable, the Candidate CRR Holder applicant must return a completed application form with the non-refundable application fee set by the CAISO Governing Board to cover the application processing costs and the costs of furnishing the CAISO Tariff and other documents.
The CAISO provides Market Participants a Secondary Registration System to facilitate and track CRR bilateral transactions.
In this demonstration reference signatures were acquired for two containers with different items with the Russian delegation present.