Secured transport definition

Secured transport means NEMT services for the involuntary transport of members who are in danger of harming themselves or others. Secured transports may be used when:
Secured transport means NEMT services for the involuntary transport of clients who are in danger of harming themselves or others. Secured transports are allowable when:

Examples of Secured transport in a sentence

  • Secured transport services costs reported must be limited to the portion attributable to the MDHHS contract.

  • Secured transport carrier containing ballots removed and sealed by two employees of or two persons appointed by the county au- ditor.

  • Secured transport and grow facilities shall have bay doors in which a secure transport vehicle can enter to deliver or pick up or store marihuana.

  • Secured transport service approved by qualified firms for unencrypted media and documents.

  • CHANGES TO RULE:410-136-3120Secured Transports ¶(1) "Secured transport" means NEMT services are for the involuntary transport of clients who are in danger of harming themselves or other individuals.

  • Recognizing that perception is oftentimes as important as reality, Board members should always err on the side of caution when identifying actual or potential conflicts.

  • The goal of cupping therapy is to move stagnation of blood, energy, and to disperse internal heat.

  • The rules are designed to promote accountability of the State’s contracted CCOs, provide member protections, and to promote members’ physical, behavioral, and oral health.CHANGES TO RULE: 410-141-3940Transportation: Secured Transports(1) "Secured transport" means NEMT services for the involuntary transport of members who are in danger of harming themselves or others.

  • Capacity auctions are compliant with EU legislation when implemented as defined in the CAM NC.Evaluation factorBenefitDrawback Shipper perspective Security on transport rights in advance Secured transport rights to parties who are willing to payContractual congestion when shippers book capacity to secure transfer rights prior to certainty over the actual need.

  • Any unsold capacity is then available for the shorter-term products similar to that of FCFS.Evaluation factorBenefitDrawback Shipper perspective Security on transport rights in advance Secured transport rights to parties who book their capacity productsContractual congestion when shippers book capacity to secure transfer rights prior to certainty over their actual need.

Related to Secured transport

  • Secured Treasury Management Agreement means any Treasury Management Agreement between any Loan Party and any Treasury Management Bank; provided, that for any of the foregoing to be included as a “Secured Treasury Management Agreement” on any date of determination by the Administrative Agent, the applicable Treasury Management Bank (other than the Administrative Agent or an Affiliate of the Administrative Agent) must have delivered a Secured Party Designation Notice to the Administrative Agent prior to such date of determination.

  • Transport vehicle means a motor vehicle or rail car used for the transportation of cargo by any mode. Each cargo-carrying body (trailer, railroad freight car, etc.) is a separate transport vehicle.

  • Bundled transaction means the purchase of 2 or more distinct and identifiable products, except real property and services to real property, where the products are sold for a single nonitemized price. A bundled transaction does not include the sale of any products in which the sales price varies, or is negotiable, based on the selection by the purchaser of the products included in the transaction. As used in this subdivision:

  • Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter

  • Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by