Security agency definition

Security agency means an agency which is registered with DGR and sponsored to submit tenders in NSIC.
Security agency means a person engaged in the business of providing of services relating to security of any person or property, whether moveable or immovable, including the services of provision of security personnel, guard or vehicle;
Security agency means any person who, for consideration, advertises as providing or is engaged in the business of furnishing security services, armored car services, or transporting prisoners. This includes any person who utilizes dogs and individuals to provide security services.

Examples of Security agency in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall not use the Department of Homeland Security seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Department of Homeland Security agency officials without specific Federal Emergency Management pre- approval.

  • If the Security agency is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all partners or consortium members.

  • The contractor shall not use the DHS seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Department of Homeland Security agency officials without specific FEMA pre-approval.

  • If shortfall noticed in providing ESM by agency, Penalty of Rs.500/- plus GST and cess as applicable Per Guard per Day shall be deducted from monthly bill of Security agency.

  • The provisions of Schedule 10 (Security agency provisions) shall bind each Party.

More Definitions of Security agency

Security agency means a person, firm, corporation, or
Security agency means any commercial concern engaged in the business of rendering services relating to the security of any property, whether movable or immovable, or of any person, in any manner and includes the services of investigation, detection or verification, of any fact or activity, whether of a personal nature or otherwise, including the services of providing security personnel;
Security agency means a person, firm, corporation, or other private legal entity in the business of security guard services or armed security guards for hire;
Security agency means any registered entity engaging in business such as a Public Limited, proprietorship, partnership, private concern or corporation who are providing the Security Services under the contract.
Security agency means any person who, for consideration, advertises as providing or is engaged in the business of furnishing security services, armored car services, or transporting prisoners.
Security agency means the individual or firm or company supplying or intending to provide the Security Arrangement Services as indicated under Sr. No.1 (i.,e., Introduction & Requirement);
Security agency means any person licensed as a security agency under the Private Security Industry Act (Cap. 250A);