Examples of Security project in a sentence
Web Application scanning that is performed on code and application in compliance with Open Web Application Security project (OWASP) and SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security) Institute standards.
SJCOG completed Proposition 1B PTMISEA, TSSSDRA, and Homeland Security project selection and allocations and the Measure K Renewal Transit Section allocations.
Specifically, an awareness of secure mobile application development standards, such as OWASP’s Mobile Security project.
Let A = C[T1, T2]/(T 2 − T2(T2 − 1)(T2 − 2)), t1 and t2 be the cosets of the unknowns T1 and T2.
Assets in the course of construction include capital expenditure on fire pumps, the International Ship and Port Facility Security project (ISPS) and the marina reconfiguration project, which as the reporting date were still under construction, and on which no depreciation costs have yet been incurred.
The USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security project: As Vietnam experiences steep increases in energy demand and rising air pollution challenges, there is growing recognition that cleaner, more reliable sources of energy are needed and greater capital investment is necessary.
Innovative projects for increased employment New avenues are being explored in the search for solutions with good employment prospects: In 2005, Vivento made a major contribution to the goal of increased employment with the Security project, which was launched in cooperation with DeTeImmobilien and Group Security.
It is a cooperative network as well as a technical communicative platform for Swedish healthcare.In Belgium, the Crossroad Bank for Social Security project (CBSS, 2006) , an electronic network for the collaborations between the social security institutions, has been created.
An Information Security project was initiated to introduce classification and protection of data in M365, and an internal audit of the M365 implementation and security was performed in December 2020.
Motion was made by Councilor Walker and seconded by Councilor Gerry to amend the order to now read; “ORDERED that the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to use funds in the amount of $61,000 from an inactive special revenue account to fund ICT’s Network Security project and Planning and Permitting’s Traffic Pole projects with any unused funds being transferred to the facilities CIP for FY 13/14.