Examples of Service entity in a sentence
The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration will then promptly notify the Public Health Service entity funding the research and submit a Mitigation Report (as defined below) developed by the COI Committee in consultation with the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.
For example, a ServiceCharacteristic instance within the Service ABE is dependent upon an instance of the Service entity.
A person or organization, which is (i) qualified to furnish waiver services according to the provider specifications outlined in Appendix C and (ii) willing to furnish waiver services to waiver participants, may enroll as a provider by entering into a contract with the designated Fiscal Management Service entity under this waiver as described in Appendix E.
A Financial Management Service entity conducts payroll functions.
Written notices of changes to limits are sent to all participants/guardians, Financial Management Service entity, and Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) entities.
Just as the high costs of climate change are becoming starkly obvious, the Trump administration has tried to walk away from its statutory obligation to curb the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.
You acknowledge that as part of the performance of the services stipulated in this document, the Service entity is providing the services for your information, and to the extent you have complied with the obligations set above.
After the one month period for review, ALL applications are submitted to the U.S. Forest Service entity with jurisdiction over the project location, which will be specified in the annual RFA, but generally will be FS Regions, the Northeast Area (Area), or International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF).
Consequently, under no circumstances will the Service entity assume responsibility for indirect or unforeseeable loss or damage that you may suffer, including in particular any loss of profit; loss, inaccuracy or corruption of files or Data; commercial loss; loss of sales or income; loss of customers; or loss of opportunity, in relation to or arising from the non-performance or improper performance of the services.
While the defendant may not have fully understood the extent of the guarantee, she was aware of its contents.