Examples of SESAR development phase in a sentence
A new Article 34 is added, carrying the title ‘ SESAR coordination’ and worded as follows:‘The entities in charge of tasks established in Union law in the areas of coordination of the SESAR definition phase, the SESAR development phase and the SESAR deployment phase, as the case may be, shall cooperate to ensure effective coordination between those three phases so as to achieve a seamless and timely transition between them.
Although it is too early to assess the overall efficiency of the SJU, the progress made during the reference period indicates that the SJU model has proven to be more efficient than if the SESAR development phase were to have been implemented through a conventional R&D call for proposals.
The outcome indicates that, in terms of ability to fulfil its mandate, the SJU has been performing well and has largely met the satisfaction from stakeholders; it has proven to be the appropriate organization for the management of the SESAR development phase and the timely execution of the European ATM Master Plan.
Nevertheless, the alignment of the SJU Regulation and Statutes with those of the above mentioned JTIs would have a substantial positive financial impact on both the SJU and the SESAR development phase.
This is based on the following conclusions: – The data collected indicates that the SJU model is an appropriate implementation mechanism for the SESAR development phase and for the execution of the Master plan – Given the complexity of the programme and the size of its budget, SESAR development requires a targeted administration and technical expertise recruited from various stakeholders.
Fiscal impact The total estimated cost of the SESAR development phase over the period 2007- 2016 is EUR 2.1 billion.
This phase was running in parallel with the ATM Master Plan campaign and aligned priorities with those of the Master Plan Edition 2015.Once the principles of the SESAR 2020 work programme had been substantially agreed with the candidate Members and EUROCONTROL through the dialogue phase, the SJU drafted the Final Call for Membership and a draft Membership Agreement to reflect all aspects of the extended SESAR development phase.
The SESAR development phase will deliver the technical ground for defining them.
Work package B also includes the execution of a performance analysis of the ATM solutions throughout SESAR development phase.
Donors continued to give economic aid, and, in one case, also substantial military assistance, to a government linked to systematic violations of human rights.