Examples of Set Aside Budget in a sentence
Budget£'000 Actual£'000 It should be noted that the budget above reflects the budget managed by the IJB during the year and excludes the Large Hospital Set Aside Budget.
These actions are set out in detail in a report to the IJB of 30 September 2020 Set Aside Budget.
The table below does not include the costs incurred within the Set Aside Budget, this budget is delegated to the IJB.
Financial Challenges ▪ IJB 04/21 ‐ Notional Set Aside Budget ▪ IJB 13/21 ‐ Impact on discharge performance linked to care homes.
The 2017/18 Set Aside Budget for unscheduled care services consumed by your HSCP in Acute hospitals will remain at the same value as for 2016/17.
The CITY shall establish a Set Aside Budget (the “SAB”), which shall not be included in the ORIGINAL GMP or the GMP.
Exhibit 2: Financial Performance for 2015/16 Note: The above reflects the budget managed by the IJB during the year, and excludes the Large Hospital Set Aside Budget of£20.825m which was allocated at the end of the year to the IJB.
This is driven primarily from Accident and Emergency attendances and admissions and occupied bed days resulting from these.5.5Inverclyde’s Set Aside Budget The notional Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19 was £16.439m (based on 2014/15 ISD data).
Financial Challenges ▪ IJB 04/21 - Notional Set Aside Budget ▪ IJB 13/21 - Impact on discharge performance linked to care homes.
The Director for Campus Activities supervises a bus budget which is an approved Set Aside Budget from the Funding Board.