Examples of Set state in a sentence
The Hutch Equipment Door must be in place to obtain or retain the Search Set state.
We let crs here de- note a common reference string for a NIZK scheme and match(pkV , skV ) denote an algorithm that verifiesContract KeyTheft-NaiveInit: Set state := INIT.
I ✔ agree do not agree that Parish and School and/or the Archdiocese may use social media and technology to communicate with my Child regarding parish/school related ministry activities.
Monitor:case (incoming message from the corresponding node){Resync:if InvalidResync() then Invalidate the messageelseValidate and store the message, Set state status of the source.Affirm:if InvalidAffirm() then Invalidate the messageelseValidate and store the message.Other:Do nothing.
Informally, the proto- col involves the following steps:Contract PublicLeaksInit: Set state := INIT, and donations := {}.
Set state := ABORTED.ledger[C] := ledger[C] + sum(donations)Timer: If state = CONFIRMED and T > Tend: ∀($amt, P) ∈donations: let ledger[P] := ledger[P] + $amt.
Set state spending limits for state administration and employment and case management services providing that: o Not more than 10 percent of a state’s total allocation may be used for administration, and at least 5 percent must be used to provide employment and case management services.
It sends reward $reward to if π is a valid proof that ct = enc [sk ] and sk is the private key correspondingCto pk .V Contract KeyTheft-NaiveInit: Set state := INIT.
Since surface adhesion and electrostatic force hold a diode memory cell in the Set state, the proto-type cell shows very long retention time in Figure 4.16; negligible changes in conductance for the Set and Reset states are seen at 200oC, which well exceeds the normal operating temperature range for CMOS.
The electrostatic force (Felec) and spring-restoring force (Fres) in the Set state can be calculated using the following equations: Felec= ∫depletion regionQ(x)ε (x)dx (4.3)Fres = km ⋅ g(4.4) where Q(x) is the charge density and E(x) is the electric field within the depletion region of the pn diode.