Examples of Severe physical abuse in a sentence
Severe physical abuse is meted out to citizens who violate laws and restrictions.
Severe physical abuse was present if item 1 or 2 was reported to have occurred more than 10 times or if item 3 had occurred at least 1 to 3 times.
Severe physical abuse has also been done by Hamas on several Palestinians (Human rights watch 2009).
Severe physical abuse and acts of violence – including murder – perpetrated by ship captains further compel many victims to remain in conditions of servitude.
Severe physical abuse included allegations of brain damage/skull fracture, subdural hematoma, internal injuries, burns/scalding, poisoning, wounds, bone fractures, and torture.
Severe physical abuse is defined as: • Single act of abuse causing physical trauma which, if left untreated, would cause disfigurement, disability or death; or• Single act of sexual abuse causing significant bleeding, deep bruising, or significant swelling; or• More than one act of abuse each of which causes significant bleeding, deep bruising, significant swelling, bone fractures or unconsciousness; or• Failure to provide adequate food 300(f)The parent has caused the death of another child.
Junior/senior relationship ( Senpai/Kohai kannkei) of membersGenerally, senior students in Japanese school club activities are regarded as a model for junior students and are requested to teach and lead them, implicitly and explicitly.
The new teacher and principal evaluation systems are based on multiple measures (Absolute Priority 2) which allow for a more comprehensive view of the contributions that teachers and principals make each day.
Severe physical abuse A woman’s likelihood of having experienced severe physical abuse at some point in the relationship increased by a factor of:• 27.4 if her partner consumed marijuana/cannabis at least twice a month• 7.7 if her partner smoked• 4.4 if she was aged less than 30 years, and• 3.9 if she was a smoker herself.
Severe physical abuse, frequency weightedsevere sexual abuse, frequency weightedDA point score.246**Each of the three risk assessment instruments being evaluated has specific cut-points for distinguishing victims at different levels of risk.