Severe Traumatic Brain Injury definition

Severe Traumatic Brain Injury means a sudden trauma causing damage to the brain as a result of the head suddenly and violently hitting an object or an object piercing the skull and entering brain tissue with an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury or a Glasgow Coma Scale below 9 within the first 48 hours of injury.

Examples of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in a sentence

  • Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Fourth Edition.

  • However, subject to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitation of the Plan as set forth in this Benefit Certificate, coverage is provided for Neurologic Rehabilitation Facility Services for Covered Persons with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • However, subject to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitation of the Plan as set forth in this Evidence of Coverage, coverage is provided for Neurologic Rehabilitation Facility Services for Members with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • However, subject to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitation of the Plan as set forth in this Policy, coverage is provided for Neurologic Rehabilitation Facility Services for Covered Persons with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • Acute Ischemic Stroke Following Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Incidence and Impact on Outcome.

  • However, subject to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of the Plan as set forth in this Benefit Certificate, coverage is provided for Neurologic Rehabilitation Facility Services for Covered Persons with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.

  • Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, Ullman JS, Hawryluk GW, Bell MJ et al (2017) Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, fourth edition.

  • Trade accounts receivable and other items9,986 10,100Provision for doubtful accounts(1,026) (773)Accounts receivable and other items - net8,960 9,327 Receivables past due but not impaired are $433,000 (2013 - $672,000).

  • Once again, however, the objective was not to generate a critical judgement of the overall artwork itself but to examine accounts of artists and other art world actors when working with Access Grid for the production of telematic artworks in order to better understand the mediation process.

  • Rethinking Neuroprotection in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Toward Bedside Neuroprotection.

Related to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Traumatic brain injury means an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Traumatic brain injury applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; lan- guage; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem- solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; phys- ical functions; information processing; and speech. Traumatic brain injury does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or to brain injuries induced by birth trauma.

  • Brain injury means clinically evident damage to the brain resulting directly or indirectly from trauma, infection, anoxia, vascular lesions or tumor of the brain, not primarily related to degenerative or aging processes, which temporarily or permanently impairs a person’s physical, cognitive, or behavioral functions. The person must have a diagnosis from the following list:

  • threat of serious injury means serious injury that is clearly imminent;

  • Serious physical injury means physical injury which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious and prolonged disfigurement, prolonged impairment of health, or prolonged loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ;

  • Serious injury means a significant overall impairment in the position of a domestic industry;

  • Serious bodily injury means bodily injury which involves a substantial risk of death, extreme physical pain, protracted obvious disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty.

  • Catastrophic injury or illness means a life-threatening injury or illness of an employee or a member of an employee's immediate family that totally incapacitates the employee from work, as verified by a licensed physician, and forces the employee to exhaust all leave time earned by that employee, resulting in the loss of compensation from the state for the employee. Conditions that are short-term in nature, including, but not limited to, common illnesses such as influenza and the measles, and common injuries, are not catastrophic. Chronic illnesses or injuries, such as cancer or major surgery, that result in intermittent absences from work and that are long-term in nature and require long recuperation periods may be considered catastrophic.

  • Serious injury or illness means an Injury or Illness incurred in the line of duty that may render the member of the Armed Forces medically unfit to perform his or her military duties.

  • Catastrophic illness or injury means one of the following:

  • Iatrogenic infertility means an impairment of fertility by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other medical treatment affecting reproductive organs or processes.

  • Autism spectrum disorder means a neuro-developmental condition typically appearing in the first three years of life that significantly affects a person's ability to communicate, understand relationships and relate to others, and is frequently associated with unusual or stereotypical rituals or behaviours.

  • Acute toxicity means concurrent and delayed adverse effects that result from an acute exposure and occur within any short observation period, which begins when the exposure begins, may extend beyond the exposure period, and usually does not constitute a substantial portion of the life span of the organism.

  • Attack directed against any civilian population means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;

  • Chemical dependency means the physiological and psychological addiction to a controlled drug or substance, or to alcohol. Dependence upon tobacco, nicotine, caffeine or eating disorders are not included in this definition.

  • Insecticide fogger means any insecticide product designed to release all or most of its content, as a fog or mist, into indoor areas during a single application.

  • High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, with supplemental tables of alternatives available at ( ).

  • Violent juvenile felony means any of the delinquent acts enumerated in subsection B or C of

  • Autism spectrum disorders means any of the pervasive developmental disorders as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association, including autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.[PL 2011, c. 420, Pt. A, §26 (RAL).]

  • Substantial bodily injury means "bodily injury which involves (A) a temporary but substantial disfigurement; or (B) a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member, organ, or mental faculty." See 18 U.S.C. § 113(b)(1).

  • Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist means an individual trained in chemical or conventional munitions or explosives handling, transportation, render-safe procedures, or destruction techniques. Explosives or munitions emergency response specialists include Department of Defense (DOD) emergency explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), technical escort unit (TEU), and DOD-certified civilian or contractor personnel; and other Federal, State, or local government, or civilian personnel similarly trained in explosives or munitions emergency responses.

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following:

  • Epinephrine auto-injector means a device for immediate self-administration or administration by another trained person of a measured dose of epinephrine to a person at risk of anaphylaxis.

  • polygamous marriage means any marriage to which paragraph 5 applies;

  • Disease means an alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness or physical or mental disorder and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

  • Personal Injury means injury, other than "bodily injury", arising out of one or more of the following offenses:

  • Chemical dependency professional means a person certified as a chemical dependency professional by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW.