Examples of Shadow Board in a sentence
The Shadow Board, chaired by LEP Director Graham Cowley, has overseen the preparation of the Growth Deal Implementation Plan and the Growth Deal Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
The Shadow Board noted the performance against planned QIPP programme and the proposed remedial actions.
The Shadow Board noted the reported financial position for 2012/13 and the performance against the 2012/13 national targets and the actions taken to ensure that performance is at a high standard.
The Shadow Board is made up of 4 tenants, 4 people nominated by the Council and 4 independent people.
KC clarified that the Shadow Board is non decision-making whilst the Scheme of Management Committee is extant, and that items are for information only.
Both Hyde and L&Q mutually agreed to end their merger discussions when it became apparent to the Shadow Board that the practical difficulties of merging two large and complex organisations meant that the operational efficiency savings envisaged would take longer than expected and therefore would not deliver sufficiently against the merger business case.
There is a Shadow Board already in place and Shadow Board members have worked with the Council to put together these documents.
Ain interim Shadow Board was established with an initial task to consider the governance and delivery options necessary to oversee development and delivery activity.
Also that as well as the Shadow Board having an input into the workings of the current structure of Children’s Trust arrangements, that appropriate professionals would also be contributing appropriately.
Authority Shadow Board, and supported by the 4 Yorkshire LEPs A new directly elected Mayor for Yorkshire will provide highly visible and democratically accountable economic leadership in terms of driving investment and growth through Yorkshire’s Industrial Strategy.