Examples of Shadow Board in a sentence
Summary of the proposed devolution deal agreed by the government and the West Midlands Combined Authority Shadow Board supported by the Greater Birmingham and Solihull, Black Country and Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnerships.
Final agreement is conditional on the legislative process, the Spending Review, further public engagement, agreement by the constituent councils, and formal endorsement by the Shadow Board and Ministers early in the New Year.
The government will engage with the Combined Authority Shadow Board to discuss the outcomes of their Mental Health Commission.
The government commits to working with the Combined Authority Shadow Board and the Greater Birmingham and Solihull, Black Country and Coventry and Warwickshire LEPs to support the further development and implementation of the three LEP Integrated Business Support Ecosystem.
SHADOW BOARD This document sets out the terms of a proposed agreement between the West Midlands Combined Authority Shadow Board and the government to move forward with a radical devolution of funding, powers and responsibilities.
Authority Shadow Board, and supported by the 4 Yorkshire LEPs A new directly elected Mayor for Yorkshire will provide highly visible and democratically accountable economic leadership in terms of driving investment and growth through Yorkshire’s Industrial Strategy.
Combined Authority Shadow Board, and supported by the 4 Yorkshire LEPs A new directly elected Mayor for Yorkshire will provide highly visible and democratically accountable economic leadership in terms of driving investment and growth through Yorkshire’s Industrial Strategy.
To ensure delivery of this commitment, the Shadow Board of the Combined Authority and the government agree that: Existing Local Authority functions, which include compulsory purchase xxxxxx, xxxx be conferred concurrently on the Combined Authority to be exercised by the Mayor.
The proposal for a Mayoral Combined Authority is subject to the final formal consent of the West Midlands Combined Authority Shadow Board, the constituent councils, agreement of ministers, and to the Parliamentary process for the necessary primary legislation (The Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill and the proposed Buses Bill) and subsequent orders.
The proposal for a Mayoral Combined Authority is subject to the final formal consent of the West Midlands Combined Authority Shadow Board, the constituent councils, agreement of ministers, and to the Parliamentary process for the necessary primary legislation (The Cities and Local Government Devolution Xxxx and the proposed Buses Xxxx) and subsequent orders.