Shanxi Neng Hua definition
Examples of Shanxi Neng Hua in a sentence
In 2006, the Company acquired a 98% equity interest in Yankuang Shanxi Neng Hua Company Limited (“Shanxi Neng Hua”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred as the “Shanxi Group”) from the Parent Company at cash consideration of RMB733,346,000.
The electricity generated by Shanxi Neng Hua and Yulin Neng Hua mainly provides for the methanol projects and the remaining is sold on the grid.
Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Company conditionally agreed to purchase a 98% equity interest in Shanxi Neng Hua from the Controlling Shareholder.
Based on (i) the net asset value of Shanxi Neng Hua as at 28 February 2006, as audited by China Rightson in accordance with PRC GAAP; and (ii) the equity interest of 98% in Shanxi Neng Hua that is to be acquired by the Company from the Controlling Shareholder.
As stated in the circular, the Purchase Price for the 98% of the equity interest in Shanxi Neng Hua is RMB733.34 million (or equivalent to approximately HK$716.85 million), calculated at 98% of the total net asset value of Shanxi Neng Hua as assessed by Zheng Yuan, a State-approved independent PRC valuer appointed by the Controlling Shareholder.
The Purchase Price, which is based on the valuation of the 98% equity interest in Shanxi Neng Hua as conducted by Zheng Yuan in accordance with the relevant requirements for asset appraisal in the PRC and mainly using the cost method, is approximately RMB733.34 million or approximately HK$716.85 million.
Shanxi Neng Hua4,0085,815-31.075285,815-90.92 Note: From 1 January 2010, the public generator sets of Shanxi Neng Hua have been changed into self-contained generator sets.
The cost of coal sales of Shanxi Neng Hua was RMB216.07 per tonne in the first half of 2010, representing a decrease of RMB29.43 or 12% compared with the corresponding period of last year.
Other popular valuation multiples, including P/E Ratio and Price/EBITDA Ratio, are not used in our analysis because Shanxi Neng Hua has no business currently in operation.
Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Purchase Price for the Acquisition has been deter mined to be RMB733.34 million (or LETTER FROM CLSA equivalent to approximately HK$716.85 million), which is based on the value of the 98% equity interest in Shanxi Neng Hua appraised by Zheng Yuan, an independent PRC valuer appointed by the Controlling Shareholder in consultation with the Company.