Examples of Short Period in a sentence
Any excess premium available with us after adjustment at Short Period Scale as provided herein below shall be refunded to the Insured except for those Insured Person(s) for whom a claim has been paid or is payable in the current policy.
Rally extensions may be further extended to include motor racing, speed tests, dexterity trials, hill climbs or motor racing (whether organized separately or included in the course of a rally) by charging a loading of 300% of both Own Damage and Liability Only premiums at Short Period rates for the duration of the rally, but with the exclusion of any cover in respect of either the owner-driver, driver and / or passengers carried in the vehicle or the promoters of the event.
Provided that there has not been a loss or Accident likely to give rise to a claim during the Period of Insurance, the Insured shall be entitled to a return of premium at the Company’s Short Period Rates as shown below for the time the Insurance has been in force.
The Policy Holder/Insured may also cancel the policy at any time in which event, the insurer shall be entitled to retain premium at Short Period Scale for the expired portion of the policy on the date of cancellation as per the table below.
The return premium shall be calculated in accordance with the Short Period Scale shown below.