Shortfall Percentage definition
Examples of Shortfall Percentage in a sentence
If the Project Shortfall Percentage is 20% or less, there shall be no Community Recovery Payment due.
The average of the Community Jobs Shortfall Percentage and the Community Investment Shortfall Percentage shall be the “Project Shortfall Percentage,” which shall also be calculated and stated in the Annual Report.
The amount consists of the acquisition cost of treasury shares net of the proceeds received on their subsequent sale or issuance.
The number of 2006 Performance Shares shall be calculated by (A) subtracting the 2006 Net Profit from the 2006 Target Profit to obtain the 2006 Performance Shortfall, (B) dividing the 2006 Performance Shortfall by the 2006 Target Profit to obtain the Shortfall Percentage and (C) multiplying the Shortfall Percentage by the number of shares of Common Stock (issuable upon conversion of the Series B) originally issued to the Investors under this Agreement.
If the Shortfall Percentage is 10% or less, no 2006 Performance Shares shall be issued to the Investors.