Shuttle services definition
Examples of Shuttle services in a sentence
Packages under 200 pounds and smaller than five cubic feet which require no Shuttle services (power, deployment, etc.), and are for R&D purposes, will be flown on a space-available basis during both phases of Shuttle operation.
Those users who contract for Shuttle services less than three years before the desired launch date will be accommodated and will pay on an accelerated basis accord- ing to the reimbursement schedule.(2) Standby payloads.
If Shuttle services are re- quired, the price will be individually negotiated.
These adjusted prices will be applicable only to agree- ments executed after the adjustment is made.(2) Shuttle services for both phases will be contracted on a fixed price basis.
Customers who do not make payments by the due dates defined by NASA will be subject to a late payment fee established by NASA in the launch agreement.§ 1214.105 Apportionment and/or as- signment of services.(a) Subject to NASA approval, a cus- tomer may apportion and/or assign Shuttle services to third parties within the payload.
No apportionment and/or assignment of Shuttle services may take place outside the payload.(b) Integration of apportioned/as- signed payload elements within the payload is the responsibility of the cus- tomer.
The parameter used to compute the customer’s pro rata share of Shuttle services and used to compute the Shuttle charge factor.
These adjusted § 1214.202prices will be applicable only to agree- ments executed after the adjustment is made.(2) Shuttle services for both phases will be contracted on a fixed price basis.
Shuttle services are available via the Viking Route from 7:00 am until 12:00 am Monday through Friday and Saturday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am.
Policy 8.11.2 Partner with the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce to support grant requests that would expand the Tualatin Shuttle services.