Similar definition

Similar work means
Similar means in its general sense and not necessarily identical.
Similar work for criteria 5 above means

Examples of Similar in a sentence

  • Such communications could contribute to risk reduction by helping to avoid misunderstandings and miscalculations.”363 Similar recommendations on information exchange can be found in the LTS Guidelines, such as the aforementioned LTS Guidelines B.1, which reflect the character of the LTS Guidelines as TCBMs. To enhance mission safety and transparency, it is advisable for States engaging in ADR activities to provide other States with relevant information on their removal spacecraft and planned missions.

  • Similar builders risk insurance shall be provided during the period of any subsequent construction during the term of this Lease.

  • Similar arrangements under the informal procedure of section B must be agreed to by the Federation and the Human Resources Office.

More Definitions of Similar

Similar contract shall mean sewn items.
Similar. Where the word "similar" appears on the drawings, it shall be interpreted in its general sense and not as meaning identical, and all details shall be worked out in relation to their location and their connection with other parts of the Work.
Similar means the acquired item(s) and replaced item(s):
Similar means those violations which could have been reasonably expected to have been prevented by the licensee's, permittee's, or registrant's corrective action for a previous violation.
Similar means absence of a relevant difference in the parameter of interest.
Similar means that the Transaction to be terminated has terms which are reciprocal to a Terminated Transaction or has terms which are similar to a DM Hedging Transaction and (i) is of the same Transaction Type as a Terminated Transaction or a DM Hedging Transaction, as the case may be, (ii) provides for a settlement date which does not fall more than three months prior to or after the settlement date of a Terminated Transaction or DM Hedging Transaction, and (iii) relates to or will by settled in the same currency, security, right, financial instrument or asset as a Terminated Transaction or DM Hedging Transaction.
Similar contract shall mean Firearms.