Examples of SIP Regulations in a sentence
The Secretary of State has specified the Project pursuant to Regulation 4(1) of the SIP Regulations.
The majority fails to grasp the extent to which people say things in public that they do not expect others around them to be listening to, let alone recording for later broadcasting.
Additionally,ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID‘‘Guidance for Determining Acceptability of SIP Regulations in Non-Attainment Areas.’’ see also 44 2 Only a portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia FR 53761, 53762 (September 17, 1979).
Implementation of the TTT Project within the legal and regulatory regime SIP RegulationsThe SIP Regulations, which form the legislative basis for the TTT Project, were made on 27 June 2013 under Part 2A of the WIA and came into force on 28 June 2013.
Applicable SIP Regulations This source operates emission units that are subject to the following SIP regulations:35 IAC Part 201 - Permits And General Provisions35 IAC Part 212 – Visible And Particulate Matter Emissions35 IAC Part 214 – Sulfur Limitations35 IAC Part 215 - Organic Material Emission Standards And Limitations35 IAC Part 244 – Episodes35 IAC Part 254 – Annual Emissions Report c.
The SIP Regulations include a duty on the Secretary of State to carry out a review of the regulations and publish a report setting out its conclusions at the end of a period of five years beginning with the day on which the SIP Regulations came into force.
Regulation 4(1) of the SIP Regulations allows the Secretary of State or Ofwat to specify by notice an infrastructure project as a “specified infrastructure project”.
Subject to sections 17IA and 17K of the Water Industry Act (as has effect under the SIP Regulations), the Infrastructure Provider will use all reasonable endeavours to work with the Authority, in a constructive and cooperative manner to improve the conditions that attach to this Project Licence.
For the purposes of the Thames Tideway Tunnel Price Control, Ofwat has included£408 million (Allowed Amount) to enable the Appointee to procure the Infrastructure Provider and to carry out certain enabling and interface works necessary for delivery of the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project, as required by the SIP Regulations, the Project Specification Notice and the Preparatory Work Notice.
On August 10, 2005, SAFETEA–LUwas signed into law, and among other things, it amended the CAA to eliminate the requirement for States to adopt and submit General Conformity SIPs. On April 5, 2010 (75 FR 17254), EPAupdated the General Conformity SIP Regulations to, among other things, be consistent with SAFETEA–LU by eliminating the Federal regulatory requirement for states to adopt and submit general conformity SIPs, instead making submission of a general conformity SIP a state option.