Examples of Site Registration in a sentence
Applicants that have not had previous contracts or grant agreements with the Commonwealth will be required to obtain a Vendor Identification Number through the Vendor Data Management Unit, http://www.vendorregistration.state.pa.us/cvmu/paper/default.aspx (Non- Procurement Vendor Site Registration Link) and submit a Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
Site Registration and other fees for service are recognized as revenue when the service has been performed.
This is not required at the time of applications but successful applicants that have not had previous contracts or grant agreements with the Commonwealth will be required to obtain a Vendor Identification Number through the Vendor Data Management Unit, http://www.vendorregistration.state.pa.us/cvmu/paper/default.aspx (Non- Procurement Vendor Site Registration Link) and submit a Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
Study centers can check the status of their registration packets by accessing the Site Registration Status page on the CTSU Member’s Website under the Regulatory Tab.
Site Registration Status Sites can check the status of their registration packets by querying the Site Registration subtab of the members’ section of the CTSU Web site.
Site Registration Status You can verify your site registration status on the members’ section of the CTSU website.
See the Sections 13, 14 and 17 in the Instructions for filling out the Site Registration Application Form available on the web or as part of the packet you received for help in the information needed to complete a SWPPP.
The technology to be delivered will be notified by BT and agreed by the Developer as part of the Site Registration Form.
A project that disturbs one to less than three acres but will have construction activities one year or longer must file a Site Registration Application Form.
FORCE Technology may use the Client’s name as a reference, unless the Client relationship itself is subject to confidentiality.