Examples of Small Holders in a sentence
Free Trade and Land reform through the Small Holders Bill also featured prominently.
He elected to distribute the money.132 Both Family LLC and Executive LLC received their proportionate share.133Together, Family LLC and Executive LLC own approximately 1.4% of Oxbow’s units.134 As mentioned previously, this decision refers to the entities together as the “Small Holders.”The issuance of units to the Small Holders had potential implications for the Exit Sale Right.
When Oxbow issued the units to the Small Holders, Crestview’s principals were aware of the 1.5x Clause,136 and the firm was evaluating its alternatives for exiting from Oxbow.137 They had already discussed potential exit scenarios with Koch.138 There is some reason to think that Crestview’s principals were not overly concerned with the issuances to the Small Holders because of the valuation that they placed on Oxbow.
McAuliffe then described the possibility of a less-than- whole-company sale under this route as “moot given that all members have received proceeds in excess of 1.5 times their capital contributions.” McAuliffe in fact was wrong about that, because the Small Holders had not received sufficient distributions to satisfy the 1.5x Clause.
Improving Opportunities for Economic Development for Women Small Holders in Rural Papua New Guinea.
He observed that because of the All Securities Clause, an Exit Sale could not proceed without the Small Holders.
Popeo wrote in his notes that “Crestview must net $169 after Investment Bank fee— pay out to [Family LLC] Calculate amount due [Family LLC] & others re: sale.”340 Popeo was expecting a Top Off.341 Kelly and Eric Macaux, an associate in Mintz Levin’s corporate department, thought that the Small Holders could be left behind or taken care of with a Top Off.
Police Officer, Police Corporal, Police Recruit & Police Sergeant 4.5% All other classifications In the first pay period of 2021, employees in these classifications will also receive a non-persable stipend equal to 2.5% of an employee’s annual salary as of 1/1/2021.
The project will, through the GEF Land Rehabilitation and Rangelands Management in Small Holders Agro-pastoral Production Systems in Southwestern Angola project, work closely with FAO and local NGOs to combine resources in improving sustainable land management practices in the agro-pastoral and agricultural areas in and around Quiçama, Candangala and Bicuar National Parks.
One was that the Small Holders had invested at $300 per unit, so the Minority Members could not force them to sell unless they received over $400 per unit.