Examples of Snake Valley in a sentence
In October 1989, the Las Vegas Valley Water District (SNWA’s predecessor-in-interest) filed Applications 54022 through 54030, inclusive, (hereinafter referred to as the “SNWA Applications”) to appropriate the public groundwater of the State of Nevada in the Snake Valley hydrographic basin with points of diversion within the State of Nevada.
In the future, SNWA may seek to change the points of diversion and rates of withdrawal within the Snake Valley HB for any quantities of groundwater permitted pursuant to the SNWA Applications.
Based upon the success of the ecological modeling effort being conducted by SNWA in Spring Valley, the TWG will evaluate the utility of an ecological model within Snake Valley during the Initial Period.
SNWA proposes to develop and utilize these groundwater resources for municipal purposes outside of the Snake Valley hydrographic basin.
As the effects of groundwater withdrawals in Snake Valley on groundwater levels and spring flows are measured, refinement of the model(s) may be necessary to achieve better agreement with actual field measurements.
The objectives of the monitoring program are to assemble, collect and analyze biological, hydrologic and air-quality data that improve the current understanding of baseline conditions and natural variation, and provide early detection of effects from SNWA and Existing Permitted User (EPU) groundwater withdrawals in Snake Valley.
Such public notice shall be published in any newspapers of general circulation in Snake Valley, SNWA's website and such other reasonable means of publication as may be requested by the State Engineers.
The Interstate Panel shall not consider and shall have no jurisdiction over claims of Adverse Impacts from SNWA’s Groundwater development and withdrawal in Snake Valley for an Existing Permitted Use in Nevada.
Groundwater levels shall be monitored at a total of twenty-nine (29) monitor-well sites in Snake Valley, within both Nevada and Utah, including continuous monitoring at up to fourteen (14) existing UGS sites and quarterly monitoring at up to fifteen (15) other existing sites selected by the TWG.
Groundwater PumpingThe groundwater pumping scenario for Alternative E assumes that no pumping would occur in Snake Valley.