Examples of Social care provision in a sentence
Social care provision within Sláintecare must be delivered locally, where people can access their services.
Social care provision should not be dominated by commercial issue; the Winterbourne View care quality controversy and the recommendations of the Dilnot commission should push the sector to take steps to strengthen accountability, responsibility and regulation.
Social care provision is broadly age and means tested which is in contrast to health care provision which is universal and free at the point of delivery.
Social care provision is provision made by local authority social services.
PDs must review AFI 36-2406 for appropriate language if a trainee fails to complete the course of training.
Social care provision has finite resources and on occasion tough decisions have to be made.
Social care provision includes domiciliary care to people in the community.
Social care provision for prisoners in the secure estate; Prison PopulationsConsideration of the implications for the settlement of the opening of the new prison in Wrexham has highlighted the need to consider the treatment of prison populations more generally within the settlement model.
Social care provision will be protected by understanding the value of these services along with integrated delivery and commissioning focusing on outcomes through pooled resources and a reduction in the duplication of effort In addition, the county council’s budget savings process for 2014/17 will see the protection and modernisation of front-line services supported through efficiency savings in management, commissioning and procurement, and business support services.
Additionally, estimating the demand for dementia services can be derived from Social care provision to older people with mental health, community mental health and crisis support services.