Examples of Social Media Content in a sentence
Retention: Retain until superseded, obsolete or replaced, then transfer to State Archives for their possible retention and destruction Social Media Content Social media content that meets the definition of a record as defined by State law is an official record of the District and must be scheduled, retained and disposed of as such.
This similarly is the case if a “live” posting is simply made “unlive.” Guideline No. 5.B: Adding New Social Media Content A lawyer may advise a client with regard to posting new content on a social media website or profile, as long as the proposed content is not known to be false by the lawyer.
Represent the Judiciary Well in ALL Social Media Content Blurring the lines between public and private life is one of the characteristics of social media interaction.
Any Social Media Content May Become PublicMembers must be mindful that any activities or statements made on social media are made in an online setting, where confidentiality cannot be assured even if the member creates “private” or “limited access” accounts or customizes privacy settings, or if they use another name, nickname, or moniker.
The Company Products do not present Social Media Content in a manner that suggests that the Social Media Content originated from the Company.