Soft tissue definition
Examples of Soft tissue in a sentence
Soft tissue reactions in patients with bone anchored hearing aids.
There was no significant difference between the groups.Conclusions: Soft tissue tumours of the abdomen and pelvis are predominantly malignant tumours and require appropriate referral to tertiary service that deals with these tumours.
Soft tissue fillers produce temporary swelling, redness, and needle marks, which resolve after a few days time.
Soft tissue dissolution capacity of currently used and potential endodontic irrigants.
Soft tissue injection into the capsular and adductor entheseal soft tissue change can be performed using ultrasound guidance.
Soft tissue reactions to non-submerged unloaded titanium implants in beagle dogs.
Soft tissue sarcoma nomograms and their incorporation into practice.
Soft tissue reaction to de novo plaque formation on implants and teeth.
Urgent NGS panels (e.g. lung)90% of results expected within 10-12 calendar daysDNA NGS panel 90% of results expected within 14 calendar daysRNA Fusion panel (including NTRK fusions)EGFR – ctDNA (Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma [NSCLC])Ovarian cancer NGS panel tBRCA1/2 (ovarian cancer only) 90% of results expected within 21 calendar daysExtended NGS panel (please contact the laboratory for further details) Soft tissue sarcoma fusions by FISH (Salvage pathway.
Soft tissue analysis of the nasal profile was carried out using three angular and two linear measurements.