Solar access definition

Solar access means the amount of unrestricted sunlight which reaches a structure, or portion thereof.
Solar access means a property owner’s right to have the sunlight shine on his land.
Solar access means the availability of sunlight to a property.

Examples of Solar access in a sentence

  • Solar access lots are assigned a covenant that homes built upon these lots must include a solar energy system.

  • Solar access is the ratio of solar insolation including shade to the solar insolation without shade.

  • Solar access in winter is achieved through orientation of living areas in dwellings to receive the greatest amount of sunlight.

  • An order issued by the district court or a solar access regulatory board removing a solar access easement may provide for the return by the servient estate owner of compensation paid by the dominant estate owner for the solar access easement after the deduction of reasonable expenses incurred by the servient estate owner in proceedings for the granting and removal of the easement.[81 Acts, ch 184, §8]2013 Acts, ch 30, §261 564A.7 Solar access easements.

  • The following issues are relevant to the determination of this application:• Lot boundary setback - reduced southern boundary (garage);• External wall height greater than permitted for upper storey;• Solar access for adjoining sites – greater than 25% overshadowing; and• Roof pitch – less than pitch required under the Residential Design Guidelines.

More Definitions of Solar access

Solar access means a property owner's right to have sunlight shine on his land.
Solar access means access to the envelope of air space exposed to the face of any solar energy system through which the sun passes and which allows the solar energy system to function. Such access is necessary to any solar energy system.
Solar access means the ability to receive sunlight across real property for any solar energy device.
Solar access means an unobstructed access to direct sunlight on a lot through the entire calendar year, including access across adjacent parcel air rights, for the purpose of capturing direct sunlight to operate a solar energy farm.
Solar access means a living area's direct sunlight unobstructed by buildings or structures.
Solar access means protection from shade for a specific area during specific hours and dates.
Solar access means space open to the sun and clear of overhangs or shade, including access across adjacent parcel air rights, for the purpose of capturing direct sunlight to operate a solar energy system.